Chapter 5: Tell me the whole story

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"Well that's a lame way to start talking" he said.
"Says the guy....who fell in love on the internet...." I continued and laughed. He probably didn't digest it properly.
"I'm gonna kill you". Yup he didnt.

He pushed me. I fell on the bed. He grabbed a pillow and was trying to stuff it down my mouth. The pillow was drenched in the beer I mistakenly poured on Who cares?

"Do you quit?"
"Eesss" Yes. In pillowese.
"What? I cant hear you..." he teased.
"Esss ou ayssool"-Yes you asshole. He laughed
But then all of a sudden a song played and he stopped laughing. "What! I'm dead already?" I shouted.
"No it's your phone and what the fuck......" he shouted.
"Why this bitchy ringtone?"
It was HEAVEN by THE WALKMEN. The song of the last scene of the last episode of HIMYM if you dont know.
"I'm gonna pick up..." he was saying when I realised the person to whose number I'd set this ringtone. 'Oh no!!! He cant pick up' I said to myself. And as if Superman had just gone inside me.....I pushed him so bad that the he fell from the bed along with the pillow and hurt his head.

"Why you...."
"Shut up!!!" I shouted. He realised that I wasnt joking anymore and kept quite. This was probably the first time I'd ever shouted at him.
I went out and started talking....

I re-entered after 10 minutes. He'd opened a new bottle of Black Lable.
"You started without me?" I said cheerfully...trying to get some of the cheer in his face too.
"And I thought you only had one bottle?" I said.
"A guy can lie..." he said and frowned.
"What happened to your face?"
"The song.....I....just" he said and gave out a big sigh.
"Look at me" I said pulling his face towards me. It look me a while to recognise the deep eyes he had. "What happened to you? Tell me everything! The girl. The HIMYM things that you dont like. The story behind these.." I said and pointed towards his eyes. " these deep and sunken eyes."
"Do you really wanna know?" You know I've forget it. The songs. The words. Everything. But I cant. I just cant....." he said and stopped.
"Dont worry papa's here..." I said and motioned him to come towards my shoulder. He came near and I was expecting him to come and rest his head in my shoulders but....he did the unthinkable. No he didnt cry. *thud* He punched me. That son of a.....mother punched me. Boom....straight to my face.
"Wha...wha..." I was trying to say.

"Ahh the sweet taste of revenge. I like me revenge hot, sugar!" he said and laughed.
"Well you could've atle
ast warned me" I tried to reason.
"Where's the fun in that?" He said and laughed. I laughed too but my cheek hurt when I tried to laugh properly.
"Who called you?" he asked.
"Huh? Oh my friend...wanted to know if he should or shouldnt break up with his girlfriend"
"And what'd you say?"
"I said 'Heck yeah'. I mean I can ask her out after they break up...."
"You're one big asshole" he said and laughed. 'No laughing. No laughing' I said to myself but to no avail.  I laughed too but my cheek still hurt as hell. And among the many things that I'd lied about in the past two lines....the biggest one was that I'd date her. She looked so hideous. No offence girl!!

I seriously needed an ice pack. So I tried to make up some excuse to go to the kitchen and bring one.
"Listen...I'm gonna go to the kitchen to put some ice drink" I seriously needed help at lying. All I had was a little hope that he wouldnt notice.
"You're gonna go to bring some ice pack arent you?" he said. He just threw water on my thin hope. Now just lemme put ice on it was what my mind was saying before....."Bring two. Mine hurts a lot"
I just witnessed it!!!! Sparagyan got hurt!!!! I must be the first one that hurt him. Well he must've been hurt before but I must be the first one to hurt the new and muscular Sparagyan.

"I must be the 1st one to hurt...." I was coming out of the kitchen and saying when I stopped. He was listening to the song. My ringtone one.
"I thought you didnt like it?" I asked.
His face turned as if it'd seen a ghost. " like this. I was just checking out how it is...."
"Yeah can cry" I said and threw an icepack at him. The way I'd said that made me wanna curse myself and I totally deserved a punch. But something unexpected happened.

"I miss her" he said, sighed and laid down on my shoulder. I knew he was getting serious because the above three are the things he'd never do even if he was drunk namely; say he missed someone, sigh and lay his head on my shoulder.
"You remember her? And your convos...?" I asked.
"Every frickin thing" he said.
"Then start. Dont say anything else and start any other discussions. Tell me your story and tell me everything. I know I'm not much of a help. But I can listen" I said and gave a smile. He smiled back.
"But the second time we's kinda lame..." he was saying shyly like a girl is when she's talking with her crush.
"Oh....that look...that shyness...that embarassment could only mean one thing...CHEESEY lines!!!!"
He sighed. Meaning I was correct.
" least she remembered you....right?" I asked.He didnt reply.
"Right?" I shouted.
"Uhhhh....." he stammered.
"Oh hell no!!! Hell no....she didnt remember you either?"
"NOO" he shouted.
"What does it take for a girl to remember you?"
"Exactly what I'm about say..." he said and gave a wink.

A/N : I know I suck for not updating on time. But regularly now. That's for sure!!!

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