◀Chapter 1▶

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When Jill woke up, Wesker was standing above her. "Jill, you are awake" he said. Jill wanted to cry for Chris, she wanted to run away from Wesker, and find a weapon. She couldn't even move her mouth to speak. She moved a little to feel her body scream at her. She flinched in pain.

"Don't let her move Albert." she heard a woman's voice. She looked over to see a doctor. "If you want to test with what is inside her body, she cannot move. She will cause the virus to spread out in her body again and infect her."

Wesker looked at Jill and smiled, "Not a problem doctor." he said feeling on Jill's neck. "I'll put her back to sleep." he pressed a point in her neck knocking her out.


When Jill woke up again she was in a hospital bed. She blinked a few times, her head hurt and she felt like passing out. She moved her head slightly and felt a pain travel up her neck. Great, a broken neck, is my whole body this way? She sighed and closed her eyes. She opened them again to see Chris standing there. "Jill." he said.

"Chris," she said quietly. "You're alive. How...how am I alive?" her voice was very quiet.

"Don't talk." Barry said. He was on the other side of her. She glanced around. Parker stood next to Barry. She looked back over at Chris. Claire, his younger sister, was on one side of him, and on his other was Leon. 

"I'm glad we found you Jill." Chris said smiling. "I... I thought you died." He touched her hand. It didn't hurt, it must've been one of the few bones she didn't break. 

"I wish she would have died. She let me die!" Brad yelled from the end of the bed. "Why didn't you save me Jill?! We both could have gotten into the police station! You were too busy being a chicken heart!"

"Brad, I tried! It was already too late!" Jill said. She didn't hurt anymore, she was standing in darkness with everyone still there. They were all were staring at her. 

"What about me?" Joseph said. "Why didn't you save me?"

"I...I tried." she stuttered.

"Not hard enough!" Chris yelled. 

"Chris...." Jill whispered.

"What about me? Where have you been? My wife and I have been worried about you and you just disappeared after I saved you from Raccoon. I don't see why Chris has stayed around so long. You are nothing but a useless woman that can't even save her partner without endangering herself."

"Barry, -" 

"I almost died for you." Parker cut in.


Jill's eyes shot open and she was staring in the eyes of Wesker. Her mind screamed in panic but her mouth wouldn't open and her body was too hurt to move. She could move her neck at least. It wasn't broken but badly bruised. He's going to kill me, then track down Chris, and kill him. Then he is going to murder the world. Oh god.

A smile curled across Wesker's face. He saw her fear. His hand lifted as if he was going to stick it straight through her body ending her life that she shouldn't have. Instead he was handed a needle and he took off the cap. He looked at Jill. "This will help take away the pain." he said.

She starred at him. Were her eyes playing a trick on her? Wesker, a man that had tried to kill her for years, was saving her life and giving her pain killers? 


Chris ran out of the estate as he called for back-up. "This is Redfield, J..Jill just jumped out a window with the Wesker. I need back-up. We need to find the bodies!" he was hysterical. He ran to the edge of the cliff and looked down as far as his eyes would allow. "JILL!" he yelled.

He heard the waves crash on the beach. Chris looked down, I can make that, not that much of a fall. He prepared to take the run of his life for his partner. He stepped off and he felt two sets of hands pull him up. He was placed back on the ground. "Are you insane?" one of the B.S.A.A. soldiers said. "Not thinking straight?! You could have died."

"She's my partner." Chris said looking at the cliff side. "I need to help her. She can't be dead. SHE JUST CAN'T!"

"Chris calm down," Parker said. He was the second soldier. Chris looked at him for a moment. "I understand what you mean-,"

Chris cut him off, "You don't understand. I've been working with her since before the bio-terrorism. She's my partner! I need to find her! I can't let her die down there!"

"How do you know she isn't already dead?" the other one said.

"I....I don't, it's just it's Jill. She lives through everything." he felt like crying. He held it back. Soldiers didn't cry, they didn't show emotion.

"We'll look for her." Parker said, "You go home and rest. We've got this."

Resident Evil: Jill's Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें