Rewrite: I'm So Sorry

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Jill sild down the wall, gasping desperately for air. Wesker had thrown her across the room, and the impact with the wall knocked the air clean out of her lungs. She took a knee, and when she looked up, her partner was slammed in the table across the room. Chris landed on the ground shortly before Wesker picked him up by the throat. Jill could see his clear struggle for air across the room as Albert squeeze his neck, tighter and tighter. "No!" Jill screamed. She sprinted across the room and wrapped her arms around the man in black. He dropped Chris as they crashed through the large window behind him.

"Jill!" Chris's voice rang in her ears and she held onto Wesker. Her heart beat so loudly she couldn't hear the wind that rushed passed her. Time felt like it was going by so slowly. She never imagined this would be the way she would go. Out a window, plummeting to her death, Wesker in her arms. But Chris was safe, and that was the one thing she knew she had done. She saved him and the rest of the world from the terror that was Albert Wesker.

The brunette collided with the ground, she felt the worst pain imaginable in that moment. The next thing she knew, the world was dark.

A/N: I wrote this story YEARS ago. Probably back in 2013 if I remember correctly. I would hope my writing skills have improved more over the years. I am not sure if I will do every chapter in a rewrite, but I thought this one at least deserved something better. It isn't much, but it is honest work. Let me know what ya'll think. <3

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