Track 1 - Money

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"Everybody's gonna go big tonight, In a couple hours we'll be like"

Michael bobbed his head as he watched All Time Low sing their hit song, Backseat Serenade. His band, 5 Seconds of Summer, was attending All Time Low's concert at The Forum in Los Angeles tonight to thank them for continuously supporting their music. Michael looked into the crowd, seeing fans enjoying the amazing music flooding through the speakers. All Time Low was one of Michael's favourite bands and one reason for that, among many, was that they were killer performers.

He gazed around the crowd and saw a girl standing front row, towards the wing on the side of the stage where he was. Her vibrant blue hair made her blue eyes pop, and Michael stared in awe at the way she headbanged to the chorus of the song, her blue locks flopping everywhere. Her outfit was fairly simple: ripped black skinnies, like himself, a white v-neck, and a pair of battered black converse to match. Michael was fascinated by this blue-haired girl, and found himself staring at her for the whole song, taking special note of her individual features.

"Michael!" Calum shouted as he slapped the paler boy on the arm.

"Huh?" Michael asked, snapped out of his daze by his friend and bandmate.

"Grab your guitar, remember? We're going to sing Long Way Home with Alex for an encore," Calum said, almost agitated, because he knew Michael knew the plan and wasn't in the mood to deal with Michael playing stupid.

"Crap yeah, sorry Cal, " Michael said compliantly, rushing to grab his already-in-tune black-and-white guitar, after sensing Calum's irritable mood.

The three other boys of 5 Seconds of Summer rushed on stage, and Michael ran after, trying to keep up.

Alex Gaskarth of All Time Low was introducing the younger band enthusiastically, and Jack, Rian, and Zack stayed on stage and messed around with the other guys, like the boys always do.

Ashton started the count in, and as Luke and Alex's voices flowed into the first chorus, Michael found himself looking to the girl with blue hair. He stared at the way she admired everyone on stage while dancing, and their eyes finally met. Their gaze was locked until Michael froze and missed his cue to harmonize in the song. By then, he shrugged, and decided to run off the stage to get someone to bring the blue-haired girl to him. He told All Time Low's tour manager, describing the girl quickly before running back on stage just in time for his verse. Ashton simultaneously shouted into his mic, "Well look who's back!" causing everyone both onstage and offstage to laugh.

They all finished the song, doing a little bow and then a group hug, and leaving the stage. As Michael walked off, he caught a glimpse of blue standing awkwardly to the side of the chaos, and whipped around to be met with the blue-haired girl. He immediately began to weave through the small backstage party and approached her. 

"Uh- I'm Michael," he said awkwardly sticking out his hand.

"I know," she giggled, before stopping abruptly. "Oh fuck! That's not what I meant, sorry- shit, I'm so embarrassing," she groaned, hiding her face.

"Don't worry about it..." Michael trailed off, as he still didn't know her name.

"Oh yeah shit sorry, I'm Aspen. Aspen Taylor." she said, wiping her hands on her jeans in a nervous manner before shaking Michael's outstretched hand.

"I'm Michael," he spoke before realising his mistake, "Fuck, I already said that," he said before Aspen laughed.

"Alright now we definitely have names down, but I still have a question for you." Aspen asked nervously.

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