"Boy" Meets Puppies

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Tamaki's POV:

I wake up with a small headache next to the rest of the Hosts. I sit up and groan reaching a... paw up to my head. I stop and look at the place where my hand should be. Wait a paw? I circle in place to try to look at myself. Fur? Four legs? Floppy ears? A muzzle? A tail?! I try to scream and a cute, adorable puppy howl escapes my mouth. "I'M REALLY A DOG??!!! I THOUGHT IT WAS ALL A DREAM!!!" That wakes up the rest of the Hosts.

"Tamaki-senpai, why are you screaming?" Haruhi whines while covering her brown floppy ears. "That hurts my ears."

I turn to the chocolate puppy with my big sparkling blue eyes. What a cute voice, I thought. She looks up at me with confusion in her brown eyes but I didn't care. I tackle her wagging my tail. " "OH, HARUHI YOU'RE TOO CUTE!!!"

"Aack! Tamaki-senpai! G-get off of me!" Haruhi squealed trying to shake me off.

"Hey, what continent are we on?" The twins asked peering over the basket we're in.

I turn to them glaring remembering it all now. Those two were rude to my special guest and ruined the chance to be spokes-people who travel around the world. As a punishment we're turned into puppies and sent through a dizzy rainbow portal that took us the some alien place in the world. "Oh, how are we supposed to know?" I mocked. "You two are the reason we're in this mess! Do you ever learn to not always speak your mind?"

They look at me boredly. "No." Then they go back to staring out at our new world.

I growled as I approached them angrily. "I am going to kill you--"

"There will be no killing as far as I'm concerned." Kyoya barked stepping in my path. "We need to complete this task so we can get home."

"Why the rush?" Kaoru asked.

"Spending time in another part of the world could be fun." Hikaru added.

"But, we still don't know where we are." Haruhi pointed out coming to look at our surroundings next to one of the twins.

"Ohhh, let me see!" Honey-senpai yapped padding up on Haruhi's other side jumping up and down trying to peer over the basket. I then realize that he was the smallest of us and Mori-senpai was the biggest of us all as he gave the curly-furred puppy a boost on his back.

I end up peering over Honey-senpai's shoulder taking my first look at the new continent. We were on the front porch of a commoner's home in a commoner's neighborhood. A neighborhood that was more wealthy than my poor Haruhi. And it was dark out. It's already night time here... how long did it take us to get to where ever we are? And what time is it back at home? I wonder.

"We're in North America!" Honey-senpai exclaimed.

"Really?" The twins asked.

Honey-senpai hopped off of Mori-senpai's back and we all turned away from the streets. "Yep! The United States to be exact. I remember coming here with Takashi one summer to teach a Martial Arts Summer Camp for a week to the commoners!"

"Wow, Honey-senpai." Haruhi says.

"That's pretty cool." The twins say.

"Miss Renée sent a little note with us." Kyoya stated as he dragged over a piece of paper. We all gathered around and read it. Just when I read the first two words, Kyoya puts a paw down to get our attention again.

"We have a visitor." He barked squinting at something. We look in his direction and see a young boy peeking through the door blinking down at us.

Does he have something to do with our task?

Ouran Highschool Host Club Puppies?!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora