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First day of school :)

The young boy slammed his fist down on the alarm, turning it off and possibly damaging it. A mighty groan escaped his mouth as he stretched and got up from a horrible sleep.

He lazily tossed some clothes out of his closest and moved over to his dresser. Grabbing all the clothes he headed into his bathroom and changed. After slicking his hair back he tried boosting up his self esteem.

"Looking good Gilinsky." He smirked and did a little dance.

After his little dance recital he was down the stairs and in his car ready to go to school.

Now in a whole other boys world, he's already awake before the alarm goes off. He picks up the clothes he laid out the night before and he changes in his room and puts a flower crown upon his head. Two different boys with some similar things. He walks over to the full body mirror.

"How you doing, JJ?" He giggles and slowly goes downstairs for some breakfast.

After his Apple he starts his walk to school as he's so close to his weight goal.

Gilinsky passes JJ, but doesn't know who he is sense the two haven't met before. Well at least they thought.

The school was packed with kids, all kinds, gays, bisexuals, lesbians, straights, and all race. A perfect world for this young gay blond to fit into, but he didn't know that life was going to become very complicated.

The flower boy walked into his school full of confidence.

He looked down at his feet with a smile on his face as his crush, Shawn Mendes stared at him in amazement. There was only one thing on his mind "he likes me!".

After him enters the other. He entered presumptuously, full of pride with his looks.

He joined his gang of friends as they talked about the upcoming back to school party at Mikes.

"Hey, hey, hey it's Gilinsky!" Shouted Sammy boy.

"So how was Kenzie?" Sammy asked pulling him off to the side.

"Oh god she was great, but I didn't feel anything with her. I'll take her out on another date and see how it goes." He opens up.

Later that day the two boys headed to their next class. Gilinsky was talking to Kenzie, making sure he faced her as they talked. He had to walk backwards, but it wasn't something he couldn't do.

Just as Johnson squats down to tie his black and white vans, Gilinsky stumbles over the boy.

"Oh my! Are you okay!" The blond boy hurries and grabs his hand to assist the tall boy up.

A weird feeling shot through Gilinsky those five seconds he held his hand. Maybe he fractured his wrist and it was a feeling of pain he never experienced before. He decided to just shrug it off.

"Hey, thank you!" Gilinsky shouted to Johnson.

"For what? Tripping you." The blond giggled

Gilinsky smirked and ran up next to the boy.

What did you think? Btw in the next chapters the name "Jack" will be Gilinsky. And anything that describes Johnson will be Johnson.

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