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Aloe's POV

I escaped to the archery field quick enough so that they wouldn't follow me. I hoped. The field was quite far away from the tents. I took out my bow and started to shoot everything in range. I shot every target in the bull's eye with ease and then just started aiming for random things. I hit a rock, I hit a tree, and I hit a man. Wait What?! I turned to see Edmund clutching his elbow to stop the blood from flowing while trying not to scream in pain.

"Oh, my goodness, Edmund!" I rushed, "I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there and I honestly didn't mean to shoot you,"

"It's alright," He replied softly, "I kind of deserve it after what I did to you,"

I grimaced as I remember the bad looking scar I got when I hit the rock.

"Besides, the arrow just missed my arm by a scratch," He said while getting up. He tore a shred of his shirt and tried bandaging his arm up. I laughed as he tried to tie the knot one handed. I took the cloth from his hands and tied it for him. It took a few tries to get it over all of the scratch, but in the end I got it close enough. I noticed that Edmund still hadn't taken his eyes off of me. I looked at him and smiled. I really did miss Edmund. I knew he was under a trance when he left because his eyes had changed from a brown to a grey, meaning that someone was taking control of him. I knew this, because it happened to my mother and father right before we were attacked.

"You're beautiful, did you know that?" Edmund whispered as I took my hands off the bandage. I didn't like to think of myself of beautiful. It probably was a girl's insecurity that made me think that.

"Well no, I've never really thought of myself in that way," I spoke hesitantly.

"Well you should start to, because it's the inevitable truth," Edmund encouraged as he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. He placed a finger under my chin and lifted it up making me reach his gaze. His glossy brown eyes were locked on mine. His mouth turned up into a small smile as we just enjoyed each other's company.

"Oh just kiss already!" Lucy chuckled from behind a boulder. She revealed herself before giggling to herself. What a Great way to ruin the moment Lucy. Edmund and I separated, startled by Lucy's loud outburst. The awkwardness then came. I guess I had to leave then.

Edmund walked off towards Lucy as I went to collect my sword, Stephlin, and my bow and arrows. I heard Lucy and Edmund in a quiet conversation. I didn't want to convene by listening in, but I couldn't help but smile as I saw Edmund shaking his hands around to disagreement to what Lucy was saying.

I heard an 'I dare you!' and an 'Are you a scaredy cat Edmund?' from Lucy. She can be really intimidating if she wanted to be. That was one of the reasons why I think of her like a sibling. She knows when and how to shut someone up for starters.

I walked up the steep hill that lead back to the tents when I felt a warm hand clutch my wrist. I almost felt my legs give over as the hill was quite steep from where I was standing.

"What is it no-," I sighed before being interrupted by a pair of lips against mine. The surprise hit me like a punch to the face, but I slowly relaxed as I figured out why Ed had done it. The kiss was sweet and short, but it had been the first since that evening on the balcony.

"It's funny how I always get my way around you Edmund," Lucy smirked, "You should really learn to take charge and not take everything so seriously,"

I doubled over in laughter as Edmund scowled at Lucy. After he finished showering Lucy with petty comebacks, he turned to face me with an annoyed face while I was still laughing. I grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the tents.

I was greeted by blabbering Susan. She was apologizing for the way she acted by the beaver's den. It seemed to be that the witch hadn't just spelled Edmund, but Susan as well. Aslan saw right through it when Susan referred to her as the Queen rather than the White Witch. I never held a grudge against Susan for what she said, because I knew that in a way it was true. I was glad that the old Susan was back and here to stay.

The rest of the day was fun. We all enjoyed each other's presence and just caught up on the few days that we were separated for. Lucy also mentioned to Peter about the 'dare' she gave to Edmund. The true sound of laughter escaped his lips for one of the first times since we came into Narnia; despite the fact the Edmund may have mentioned a few bad words under his breath.


We were having a pleasant breakfast in front of the tents the following day. The arrivals of the Kings and the Queens have really put more faith into the fellow Narnians. Mornings are happier and the ringing music of their laughter filled the air.

I had already eaten my breakfast because I woke up earlier to get some training done. I had become so accustomed to using my bow that I never took the time to practice with my sword, Stephlin. Yes that's the name I chose for it. I found that when I handled my sword, it made me feel very masculine, so I decided on a male name. It suits it though, however, it doesn't sound as good as Peter's sword, Rhindon. Now that's a decent name.

Peter and I were leaning on a boulder, while Susan, Ed and Lucy were scoffing down their breakfast. Edmund was eating his rather quickly and messily. I couldn't blame him though. Being held captive by some random witch (for who knows how long) can have an effect on your eating habits.

"Narnia's not going to run out of toast Ed," Lucy chuckled. Ed smiled and carried on shoving down his breakfast.

It was great to have us all together again. It reminded me of our first day in school where we ate lunch in our private garden. I couldn't believe that my father, in theory, had built and grown a private garden just for the Pevensies and I, in which I always question whether he did it with magic. Of course it was impossible, because you cannot take anything out of Narnia, let alone some kind of elemental magic.

"I'm sure they'll pack some for the journey back," Peter reasoned seriously. I sighed. There will be no journey back. It will almost be impossible to find the portal in which will return us back to England. Besides, we have a prophecy to fulfil that requires all five of us.

"We're going home?" Susan inquired. They all had looks of sadness on their faces. I was hoping Peter wasn't going to force this on them. After all, Narnia was our true home and no matter how many times we return to England, we will always end up here in Narnia.

"You are," Peter answered as he went and sat by Susan, "I promised mum I would keep you safe, but it doesn't mean I can't help."

"But Narnia needs us," Lucy argued with a sad look on her face.

"She's right Peter. The prophecy clearly states that once two daughters of Eve and two sons of Adam sit at their thrones at Cair Paravel then all evil will be gone from Narnia,"

Peter looked defeated. He knew I was right, but he couldn't face the fact that he would be risking his sibling's lives.

"And how do you know that this prophecy is all made up, after all, it was made long before any of us were born," Peter snapped back smugly. He will never learn will he?

"Peter. We are in a magical world in another dimension for crying out loud! What more will it take for you to believe that you are rightful King of this world," I exclaimed waving my hands around to add effect, "And just a quick history lesson. That prophecy was made when I was born and exactly one hundred and seventy-six years have passed since then."

They all looked at me with astounded faces. Yeah. I get it I'm old, but hey, at least I don't age. Well at least I don't intend to. I will only age when it becomes my number one determination, which at the minute is the least of my worries.

"Well that settles it then," Susan announced as she grabs her bow and quiver.

"Where are you going?" Peter questioned.

"To get in some practice," Susan encouraged. More training, Great. As if my arms didn't hurt enough from the three hours I did this morning. I reluctantly followed her to the archery field once again soon followed by Lucy, who had proclaimed that she would be practicing at throwing her dagger. This was going to be a long morning.

You And I Forever [Edmund Pevensie] #Wattys2016Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu