Battle: Death Over Victory

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Aloe's POV

The escape was a success. We drew them back to the rocks and we were winning by miles. Many of the archers had joined us to fight and many fatalities had come upon the enemies. Edmund also withdrew himself from the archers and joined us to fight. Many of the minotaurs had been slain by me, Peter or Orieus. The training we held didn't really involve fighting minotaurs because we didn't want to scare our soldiers. However, most of our soldiers were able to escape the grasp of a nasty minotaur. It was now mainly pigmen, dwarves, witches and leopards.

Jadis had also gotten involved with the battle. She let her devil of a daughter drive the chariot around while she inched her way over to me, killing everything in her way. I managed to take on two dwarves with axes before Jadis was within 10 feet of me. She had caught my eye contact and smiled maliciously. She started to jog, sprint and was only a few meters before we were separated by a charging Edmund.

"Aloe run, I'll take care of the Witch," She shouted while dueling with Jadis. She had an evil smirk on her lips. Her way of fighting was much different to ours. It was more swift and used more arm movement then power blows.

SMASH. A blow of blue light errupted from the Witch's wand. Edmund had destroyed the wand that had taken so many lives. Narnians cheered in victory as Edmund stood quite chuffed with himself. That was when it happened. The sword impaled Edmund side, slicing through his armour and wounding him.

"EDMUND!" I screeched as I watched his limp body crash to the floor. I was about to charge at the satisfied wench, but Peter had beat me to it.

I was still stood alone. No minotaurs chose to fight me. They took a glance in my direction and then switched their eyes to our other soldiers. Preferably the archers.

I watched closely over the battle, shooting an arrow here and there helping any of our soldiers. We were winning. Peter was still in a battle with Jadis, except he was being pinned to the floor. I watched as Jadis stabbed a sword into his arm earning a muffled yell from Peter. I grabbed an arrow from my quiver but before I could launch it from my bow a cold hand grabbed my wrist.

"If you choose to kill my mother, you go through me first," Jade threatened as she glared at me with cold eyes. I drew my sword, Stephlin but it was thrown out of my hand, including all of my other weapons. Jade smiled with evilness in her eyes.

"You're an elemental?" I gasped as she levitated herself off the ground through a wind tornado

"And I'm guessing you're one too," She laughed.

An almighty roar shook the land. My father, the great lion, had appeared on the battle site. He pounced in between Jadis and Peter. He stopped. Why did he stop? One word: Jadis. She had done what she had done to Edmund. She showed him a vision. But it was working. He was distracted from the battle, which gave Jade enough time to approach. I cried his name while trying to run up to him, but Jade threw me down on the floor.

"Father, Please!" I cried.

Finally, my father came out of the trance and turned his attention back on Jadis. In one swift movement he devoured Jadis, killing her instantly.
Jade looked horrified.

"It is finished," Aslan spoke as the battle rushed onwards in time.

"Not yet!" Screamed Jade as she charged towards Peter.

"Peter! Watch out!" Susan screamed from a far.

What was I to do? Peter won't be able to destroy Jade with just a sword. I needed to step in. Jade had pinned Peter to the ground and binded him with roots from the ground. He was choking. He screamed for me, but what was I supposed to do?

"Are you gonna save him now princess?" She threatened.

I looked towards my father. Why wasn't he doing anything?

"This is your battle, my child. Do what you must, but a life taken will not be a life given," He spoke as his body faded.

I held my hands out and made a whirling movement with my fingers. Mini tornadoes had formed in my palms. Jade was astonished. I'm guessing she underestimated my power, with her mother being an Ice Witch and all, she probably thought she was the only one with power. I threw the tornadoes at her one after the other, before she was engulfed into one big tornado which carried her away into the forest.
The roots retreated back into the ground, leaving a broken, Peter.

He was still. He didn't move. The absence of the rising movement of his chest meant that he wasn't breathing. He was gone. However, nobody had noticed. His sisters were aiding Edmund but we're too distressed to see that Peter was gone. All the feelings rushed out. I fell to my knees and harsh sobs escaped my lips. I cursed at the wind. Why did he have to leave? It was all my fault. If I had reacted quick enough then maybe he would still be alive.

I stroked his sweat soaked forehead when the light caught the ring on my finger.

"That's it!" I exclaimed. The ring. How could I have forgotten? The ring that I had been given by Father Christmas had a compartment that was filled with powder that can revive the dead.

I opened the capsule in my ring to find a pink powder. Being careful, I tipped the content of the ring into Peter's mouth. His saliva mixed with the powder forming a liquid which then formed as a potion. Peter stirred. I gasped in delight. It actually worked! Peter was alive and well. Peter coughed and sat up.

"Is it over yet?" Peter asked before rubbing a wound on his arm.

I engulfed him in a bear hug and sobbed freely into his shoulder.

"What's wrong, Aloe?" He laughed as he patted my back.

"You were gone. I didn't have time to save you. You died," I said between sobs.

"Well I'm here now and that's all that matters," Peter replied calmly.

Then realisation hit me. Edmund was injured as well. All this time I had been tending on Peter to forget about my own boyfriend.

I released the embrace of the hug and turned to the direction of where Edmund lay. He was walking slowly with his sisters trailing behind him. I smiled and ran up to him, jumping into his arms. He spun me around and then placed me back down on the ground.

I looked deeply into his glowing eyes and looked down. With one finger he lifted my chin to meet my gaze.

"Nothing will ever keep us apart, not even war," he said with a slight smile. I returned the smile before placing my hand on his cheek.

"Because it's you and I," I whispered.


He kissed my battle bruised lips with passion and love. It was heated but it was all I needed. I knew that he was here with me and he won't be leaving for a while. He was mine. After everything we'd been through. Heartbreak. Conflict. Death. I loved him with all my heart and I wasn't going to give up now.

You And I Forever [Edmund Pevensie] #Wattys2016Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum