Hide and Seek

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Edmund's POV

Last night was magical. I had instantly remembered Aloe when she grabbed my hand the same way she did a few years ago. I didn't remember her when I first met her yesterday because she left around two weeks after we kissed. I didn't get the chance to get to know her after that. I never really was into girls back then, but they all seemed to be swooning over me everywhere I walked.

Many girls from my old high school told me I had this charm. What charm? I always acted myself in school. Was it the way I talked? Or was it the way I smiled? Who knew? But what I did know was that they called me the 'cute one', behind my back, which I found completely hilarious and quite impossible for it to be true.

After I had kissed Aloe those few years back, I was feeling kind of chuffed with myself. Oh wait. Now I understand the charm thing the girls told me about. I was a very smug person back then. I didn't misbehave, but I had this attitude that somehow attracted other girls or somehow made me popular. I say I get it from dad, because he once told me mum fell in love with him for his charisma.


"We could play hide and seek," Lucy suggested. We were all bored out of our faces right now.

Aloe had to go to school that day, and we didn't start school for another week, so we basically had the house to ourselves. It wasn't very fun, because it was raining and Mrs Lawyers said to only play in the garden when it was dry so we wouldn't be bringing mud into the house.

"But we are already having so much fun," Peter replied sarcastically. Susan shook her head at him.

"Come on Peter, please!" Lucy begged while tugging on Peter's arm. I roll my eyes at her childlike behaviour, which I can't really complain about because technically she was a child.

"Pretty please," Lucy asked in the tiniest voice she possibly could. Peter sighed.

"1.. 2.. 3..." Peter started to count.

"What!" I said in disbelief that we were actually going to play this stupid game.

We had all run to go and 'hide' waiting for Peter to come find us. The house was really big so it was going to be a long time until Peter would have found us all.

I was running frantically behind Lucy when I found the perfect hiding spot, behind the curtains. I quickly shove past Lucy to get there first. She looked at me with annoyed eyes.

"I was here first!" I exclaim earning a huff from Lucy.

"99.. 100... ready or not here I come," I hear Peter yell from the other room. I peak out of the curtains to see Lucy running from another room.

"It's alright! I'm back!" Lucy squealed, "I'm alright!"

"Shut up! He's coming," I murmured getting back into my hiding place.

Peter started to walk round the corner and easily spotted us. I huff in defeat. I knew that playing hide and seek was for little kids, but I still didn't like losing.

"You know," Peter started, "I don't think you two have quite got the idea of this game."

"Weren't you wondering where I was?" asked Lucy stupidly.

"That's the point," I replied, "That's why he was seeking you,"

"Does this mean I win?" Susan asked as she happily walked into the room.

"I don't think Lucy wants to play anymore," Peter explained to Susan sounding rather annoyed.

"I've been gone for hours," Lucy stuttered.

Peter, Susan and I all look at Lucy. She started to explain about this wardrobe in the other room that had taken her to a place called Narnia. Susan tried checking the wardrobe but the only thing she could find at the back of it was the wood wall; she told Lucy that there was nothing there.

"One game at a time Lu," Peter sighed, "We don't all have your imagination," Ouch. That was possibly the worst thing you could say to a little kid. We all walked out of the room slowly.

"But I wasn't imagining!" Lucy screamed back at us. All three of us turned to face her. Susan looked very annoyed and almost angry at Lucy.

"That's enough Lucy," Susan replied calmly even though I could tell she was going to lose her temper any time soon.

"I wouldn't lie about this" Lucy fought back. She looked like she was going to cry.

"Well I believe you," Said Aloe as she walked into the room. She looked stunning in her school uniform.

"You do?" asked Lucy as she looked slightly puzzled.

"Most certainly," replied Aloe as she winked at me.

"Yes, of course!" I piped up, "Didn't anyone tell you about the football field in the bathroom cupboard,"

Aloe tried to stifle a laugh, but she was putting on a serious face in this matter.

"Now will you just stop?" Peter threatened, "You just have to make everything worse don't you?"

I was slightly taken aback by this. It was always like this. I would always make a joke and then Peter would ruin it by telling me to grow up.

"It was just a joke," I debated.

"When are you going to learn to grow up?" Peter said just as I had predicted me. I always hated when he told me this. He always acted like a grown up and mum would always praise him for it.

"Shut up," I shouted at his face, "You think you're dad, but you're not!" I stormed away. Aloe was trying to pull me back, but she failed. I knew that I was acting like a little kid, but I just hate being treated like one. I decided that I needed some fresh air. 

I went back up the rooftops, where I had kissed Aloe. During the day, the view from here was breath taking. You could see the stretch of greenery and the clouds forming animals in the sky. I used to cloud watch when I was younger. It sounds silly but father always used to join me.

"Are you okay Edmund?" I heard Aloe say as she walked up next to me. I smiled at her. I didn't tell her where I was. I wonder how she knew I was here.

"Yes I'm fine, I just don't understand why I can't tell a joke once in a while," I replied looking down at my head.

"Well to be fair Edmund," Aloe said looking at me, "She was telling the truth," Oh no. Please don't tell me Aloe still believes in this make believe too. I mean, it's not going to change how I feel about her, but she just acts more mature for her age.

"You're telling me you believe her?" I asked politely.

"We'll save it for another day," Aloe concludes, "I have to go, but I will be back by dinner."

She gives me a quick hug and kisses my cheek before skipping out the door. I wonder if Lucy was telling the truth. Should I go find out myself? Maybe not, because Peter might shout at me again for joking around, which reminds me, I need to ask Aloe why she would believe Lucy. I needed to know if this 'mystical' wood existed and whether she has been there. I had so many questions.

You And I Forever [Edmund Pevensie] #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now