Chapter 7: What doesn't kill you...

Start from the beginning



My eyes fly open at the smell of blood and the sight before me has me pulling back and screaming in horror. Released from my grip Lore falls back into the driver seat, his throat gushing blood. I throw myself forward even as I sob in terror. Pulling my shirt off I wipe the blood away so I can see the wound but he's bleeding too badly. Knowing what I have to do I place my hand over his wound. Dimly I hear my brothers yelling but my focus is on Lore. His eyes are calm as they stare into mine and I see no horror in them. His body bows upward as the heat hits his throat and his neck starts to heal. As the blood stops he sit up thinking its over until he see my throat. His howl is raw with anguish as blood flows down my neck then I fall into the darkness.


I turn my head and am relieved that their isn't any pain. Lore jerks and looks down at my movement. His smile is wide as he yells.

"She's awake!" There's clamours and yells as my brothers pile into the room. I smile and sit up. I peer at Lore trying to check his neck without seeming to but he guesses what I'm doing and tilts his head back. I smile but he frowns and leans forward so he's right in my face.

"Don't you ever do that to me again. You could have died." I shrug and don't answer him either way as he raises a hand and caresses my throat. "Why do you have a scar and I don't?" I pull away and draw my knees to my chest.

"If I heal someone I scar like a human would or I did the last time I did it." I pull off my leather bracelets so they can see the scars on my wrists. I stare at the jagged scars, absently tracing one as I speak. "The girls got to bath together probably cause Lucius had a camera in the room and I only turned around so I could grab a towel. When I turned back around Glenna had slit her wrists while Kee was brushing her hair. There was so much blood. I put my hands over her wrists the there was this heat in my palms and the next thing I know she's healed and I'm bleeding. Lucius came flying in to look at my wrists." I pause and shudder before continuing. "This look came in his eyes and he leaned down and started licking at the blood like it was ambrosia. I passed out and when I woke up I had these." I flash my scars again then put the braclets back on. I smile wanly as I lift my head to look at Lore. I freeze at the anger in his eyes.

"Can I talk to her for a minute?" My brothers nod and file out of the room as Lore starts to shake. Without thinking, I place my hand over his. He jerks his head and looks down at me, his eyes glowing brightly. When he speaks his voice is grating like he's struggling to hold in his beast.

"Do you have a death wish?" I don't even think before I answer.

"Yes." His hand clenches over mine and he roars at me. I raise a brow as he bares his teeth.

"What can I do to make you want to live?" I meet his eyes and I know he's feeling what I am.

"Nothing." He flings his arm, throwing my hand off his and storms out of the room.



I storm out of the room slamming the door shut behind me. Knowing I'm about to shift I glance at her brothers on either side of the door.

"Watch her." I continue out of the hotel to the woods across the street. As soon as I get far enough in I let my bear out. My skin ripples as fur pushes through my pores. I roar in anger as I slash out at the trees surrounding me. My vision is red as I lumbar over to a large oak tree and shove my paws at it as I growl in anger.

Fear claws at my insides as I roar and beat at the tree. Terror and anger dig at me leaving a bitter tase in my mouth as I swipe at the tree. The chasm inside me pounds to the beat of her fear, her rage, her sorrow. She wants to die she wants to leave me. My roar echoes in my ears as I take one lash smack at the tree and shift into my human form. I collapse to my knees as it starts to rain. Blood pounds in my ears as I struggle to breath. I feel the emptiness inside of her and it's killing me. I want to claw off my face, the face that looks like his. If it would help I would but that's not why she wants to die. She wants to die because she doesn't see anything worth living for. She doesn't see me. She doesn't want me. She doesn't want anything.

I stay there, thinking, shivering in the cold and recall the words she had said to me after she'd almost clawed my face off.

"You don't have to get yourself hurt because you look like him. I just need you to be strong when I can't be. I know we're mates and I know what that means. This is forever Lore not just til I'm better. Our beasts call to one another. Be my shield and sword Lore but don't break down with me. Right now I need you to help me Lore because I'm not sure I can do this without you."

I close my eyes and let the rain wash away my fear and anger. I know what I have to do even if it gets me killed.

I look up when a pair of shorts smacks me in the face to see Mal and Devil standing in front of me, arms crossed. They must have understood the look in my eyes because they both nod grimly as Deil speaks.

"It could get you killed." I stand and pull on the shorts as I meet his gaze.

"I know."

"But it'll help." Mal cuts his eyes at me as I push my wet hair out of my face.

"I know." Mal laughs but it's an empty laugh.

"Lea is right you are egotistical." I straighten and step forward so he can see my face.

"I'll do what I have to do. For her." Devil smirks as both brothers speak at the same time.

"We know."



I fell asleep again after Lore left and when I open my eyes I realize we're in a car and pulled over to the side of the road. I know we're in the mountains in the middle of nowhere. I cut a look at Devil and he bumps shoulders with me as we get out of the car.

"We're taking a detour. You need...we're taking a detour. We already told Duke we'll be home sometime tomorrow." I nod and don't bother to argue as I walk over to Lore, who's standing shoulder to shoulder with Mal. I start to reach out for Lore's hand but stop inches from him. Fear lodges in my throat as he looks down at my hand then to me. His eyes don't tell me anything and I feel like a chasm is standing between us as he turns and walks into the woods. I sigh as Mal hands me a back back and I shrug into it.

As soon as I catch up to Lore he whirls to face me. I halt in my steps as icy eyes stare into mine. I glance around and see that my brothers have faded off into the trees.

"We need to talk." My shoulders slump and I feel real terror grip me. He's going to reject me. He's going to leave me with this huge chasm inside of me and there is nothing I can do about it. MY hands start to shake but I hide it by taking off my back pack.

"Okay." He growls and I just stare at him.

"That, that right there. Instead of saying what I can see in your eyes you push it all down and pretend nothing's wrong."

"Well let me tell you something Nothing, it's all a bunch of bullshit." My hands clench at my name uttered by his lips. He said that wasn't me name and now he's calling me that? My shoulders slump as he keeps talking.

"So it's your fault, Nothing? Everything goes bad and now you have to die because you can't deal with it? Here." My eyes widen as he hands me a dagger. He has it pointed at me, daring me, so I do. I grasp the blade, not flinching as it slides across my skin, cutting me. "Do it. Kill yourself, since apparently the only thing you care about is yourself." I drop the dagger as anger encompasses me. I snarl but he only smirks. Then he leans forward and kisses me, aggressively, His tongue stabbing into my mouth. I jerk back a growl rumbling in my throat as I raise my hand to strike him but I drop it when I see my claws are out.

"Fuck you Lore." And I whirl on my heels and dash into the brush.

A/N:  Link to this site to hear the music video 'Running Away' by Hoobastank.  It's not my video but it fits this chapter.  Why do you think Lore's being such a butt?  Any guesses?

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