Part 4 - Unknown Places

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Jem's POV

I woke up with a start. There, in my room, was silence. If anyone had been in there I am positive they would have heard my heart beating faster than humming bird wings.
I looked around the pale room unable to identify the colour. I slowly lifted my hand to run my fingers down the wall. It felt dry. No one had brought any water in here for hours, but how come I did not feel thirsty? I had been in here past 7 hours (8 at max.). I sighed angrily. Ignoring the feeling to burst into tears, the memories still fresh in my mind.
The room held little to nothing in the way of furniture, the white bed pushed against the pale walls in the far left corner, a chest-of-drawers right of the bed, a very vibrant yellow, the door right across from the drawers. This door was the darkest thing in the room. Painted with the darkest green I had EVER seen!
  I could feel the water marks lift in my cheeks from all the crying, I don't think I had or have ever cried as much as that night. It was too painful. I had felt my heart rip in two as it lay bleeding on the floor, discarded and ruined.
                Heart break
Death, pain ,suffering.
Lies, hope betrayal.
Fake, time, music.

Sometimes it's better to be alone but others you need human company.

     I could feel the pricks at the edges of my eyes, the water was unstoppable. Cascading down my face as if it was a waterfall and I was the cliff.
          I sniffled as I walked towards the door, hope still strong. Maybe I was wrong.
Maybe it didn't happen!
But no. The door was locked shut.
           No way in.
            No way out.

The lightbulb was running out. Fast. I could feel the panic building, the butterflies had been released inside.
          I could hear voices outside the door. Faceless voices. Two voices. One girl one boy. Bickering.
     Maybe now things will make sense... Then again, maybe not...

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