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Roxy awoke in a dark room. Or, at least, she thought it was dark. There was a faint beeping sound of machinery on her right side, and hushed speaking on her left. Where was she? Roxy sat up slowly, pain throbbing numbly through her ribs and legs. She winced and heard a gasp as the conversation halted.
"R-Roxy?" Said a voice, extremely familiar. She couldn't quite place it. Why was it so dark?
"Could you turn on the lights?" Her voice was scratchy and hoarse, like she hadn't spoke for a while.
"They're on, Roxy..." It was still dark. The voice clicked in her memory. It was Jane.
"Janey? Where are you? Where am I?"
"I'm right here. You're in the hospital, Rox. You were hit by that car."
Panic rose in Roxy's throat. It was still extremely dark.
"I-I can't see! I can't see!" She said, struggling to find her friend. Where is she?
A soothing male's voice cut in.
"Calm down, please. I fear I need to tell you something important." The bed shifted as he took a seat.
"I'm afraid you will never see again."

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