"Invade my house, why don't you." I sighed slapping my hands to my sides. I hung up my gross jacket revealing my navy blue work polo. I had to wear kackis to work too. Not my style. I toed off my shoes walking into the living room and grabbing the remote to turn off the television.

"Where are the rest of the boys?" I inquired.

"Niall's on his way with Louis. I think Liam is invading your food." Harry replied sounding genuinly annoyed with the fact I turned off his show.

"And how'd you get in?"

"Spare key," Amanda said timidly as Abbey twirled the shining peice of metal around her manicured finger.

"Well, I need a shower, desperately."

"We can see that," Abbey scoffed while interupting me.

"So," I started louder. "If you wouldn't mind, Amanda. Putting the turkey in the oven for dinner and getting some music going I'll be down in a bit." I shot them a quick smile rushing upstairs to shower.


I wiped the hot persperation that had formed on the glass of my mirror revealing my naked face. I cringed at my non made up face trying to run my fingers through my knotted hair. I heard a knock on the door and I wrapped a towel tightly around my torso. When I tried to open the knob my towel slipped and the person behind the door pushed it open.

"HOLY CRAP, HARRY." I yelped scrambling for the towel on the floor.

"If you were that desperate to see me naked you could of just asked," He replied with a wink.

"You're sick." I spat. "You're a sick pig."

"Guilty as charged," He smirked crossing his arms. I looked down at the ground silently gulping.

"Can you leave please.." I awkwardly muttered.

"I'm sure Niall will be pleased to hear I saw you naked before him,"

"OUT!" I screamed slamming the door in his face.

I quickly slipped on my white torn jeggings and a red knit sweater. I didn't feel like strapping on heels and prancing around my living room so I just decided to dress down a bit. I tied my damp hair into a lower bun and layered some lip balm on my lips. I puckered them giggling at myself then applying some light pink mascara. I walked into my closet examinging my messy room and sighing. I searched underneath my bed finding my worn out black combat boots. I slipped them on my feet then walking back downstairs.

*Niall's P.O.V*

"You really know how to dress it down yet not," I heard Harry whistle. I was helping Kailey cut up carrots while Abbey whipped the turkey out of the heating oven. I dropped my knife walking into the living room and leaning against the wooden outline. I crossed my arms seeing the blood rush to Sydney's cheeks. Harry wasn't wrong, the sweater showed the perfect amount of skin on her torso and her jeans clinged right to her legs. She was so fit.

"You make no sense," Sydney retorted seaming utterly annoyed with Harry.

"When does he ever," I blurted. Everyone's eyes turned to mine realizing I had been standing there the whole time.

"Admiring from afar, I see." Liam mocked seeing my eyes still glued on Sydney's torso.

"Bloody hell. Hush up, will ya?" I snapped heading back into the kitchen.

"Dinners ready, go tell Syd to pour some drinks." Abbey directed towards me.

"Ay," I nodded walking back into the room where my friends were enjoying themselves, laughing, telling stories, and listening to annoying christmas tunes.

"The Queens orders are too pour some drinks," I whispered into Sydney's ears leaning over her sofa.

"Oh how I must obey," She jeered rising from the couch laughing with me. I followed her into the kitchen helping her with the drinks and giving everyone another  beer or wine of the assortment.

We all joined around the table just like earlier in the month. Everyone was laughing and getting along and the only place my eyes went on was Sydney's contagious laugh.

"So, Niall. What do you want for christmas?" Sydney asked me.

"A new mircrofone. I don't know." I shrugged.

"I want a new phone, Santa." Louis announced pretending he was talking to the ceiling.

"You already have two!" Abbey said.

"You can never have enough phones," Zayn chuckled.

"No really, Niall." She said with a serious tone.

"I just want to be with my friends and family thats all."

"Bullshit," Harry took a breath from his cackle. "All you want is rough sex with little miss-"

"Harry, enough." Liam snapped punching Harry in the gut. I could feel tension filling the room and everyone continued eating in silence.


"I'm really sorry bout Harry. He's a bit . .mischeveous." I apolgized to Sydney as I helped her pick up her place. The girls and the rest of the guys went home while I volunteered for clean up duty...again.

"Its fine really. He makes a good laugh," Sydney giggled handing me a dirty plate. I rinsed the contents off in the sink chuckling along with her. "Just tell him to knock before he enters a bathroom."

"Yeah," I felt the heat coming to my cheeks. "I'll do that."

Sydney walked me out to her door and she hugged me lightly.

"Merry Christmas, Niall." She grimaced.

"Merry Christmas, Syd." And then a burst of confidence came into my body. I leaned down a couple inches to place a kiss to her cheek. Red heat replaced the press of my lips and she looked down at her feet.

"I'll talk to you soon," She mumbled barely audible as her chin lifted down towards the floor.

"I hope so," I assured. The heat of the room became so much tenser as she took a quick glance up at me. She gave me a weak smile and I opened the door to leave.

I left that night with such a big smile I thought teeth would fall out.

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