Chapter 8: Goodbye

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P.O.V. Blake

I was happy with everything that's been happening recently. I no longer have Sun constantly trying to win me over and I have a guy who accepts me even when I'm a faunas.

I was walking down the street and yet I felt as if something was off. I felt like I was being watched. However when I looked around I didn't see anyone.

I continued to walk around and I didn't feel safe. So I did the only thing that I could think of and went to find [Name]. When I finally did find him I smiled and ran up to him.

He smiled and pulled me close. Strange he usually doesn't do this kind of thing in public. "I missed you beautiful," he said as he kissed the crook of my neck.

I really wasn't expecting him to be doing this kind of thing in public. Especially not in the middle of the sidewalk. He then stopped kissing my neck and whispered in my ear.

"Why are so many people following you?" He asked quietly. I then understand why he was doing all these thing. He was trying to throw them off. Now why he was acting a little strange made sense.

"I don't know they started following me," I whispered in his ear. He then pulled away slowly and smiled.

"Let's go somewhere more private," he said looking at me. As soon as he said this I felt my face heat up slightly and nodded. I may not need to be physically intimate with him but I guess if nothing else it would be a little nice.

As we walked down the street and found somewhere private on the docks. We went into a small building that from what I can tell wasn't being used.

However as soon as we entered I felt something hit the back of head and started to fall towards the ground.

P.O.V. [Name]

I felt something hit the back of my neck. If working on my pressure points wasn't apart of my training I would have passed out. However it just stunned me and I stopped myself before I hit the ground.

As soon as I did I looked to my side and saw a man in a white fang mask taking Blake away. My eyes widened and I ran after him. Several men jumped in front of me and I disregarded them all.

I worked my way past them. They don't matter at the moment the only thing that matters is stopping him from getting away with Blake. I was able to tackle him and he dropped Blake.

I hope she's okay but I guess being a little hurt is better than being kidnapped. I then saw several people gather around me and I stayed close to Blake.

However they all moved away when someone with a different mask walked forward. He had red hair and two horns on top of his head. He was also wearing a dark suit and looked at the rest of his men.

"Get to the camp. I'll take care of things," he said looking at the men. When he said this they all nodded and ran away. He then looked at me and gained a confused look.

"Why would you a human help Blake a faunus?" He asked looking at me.

"Because I love her," I said looking at him. He didn't seem satisfied with this answer.

"That's an obvious lie. No human has ever loved a faunus and no human will ever love a Faunus," he said looking at me. He then grabbed his sword and rushed at me.

I grabbed Blake and jumped back. This would be easier if I had my weapon with me but I wasn't prepared for this and I also had to make sure that he didn't get his hands on Blake.

He attacked me several times and I did my best to dodge them while also trying to keep the blade away from Blake. However he caught me off guard and I was forced to throw Blake up into the air.

P.O.V. Adam

I watched as this strange male threw Blake up into the air. He would have a much easier time dodging my attacks if he would just set Blake down.

The results wouldn't be any different. I'm going to take Blake back to the white fang and then she's going to be punished for her arrogance. She chose them over us. She chose humans over her own kind.

She must die for what she has done. I tried to cut him in half however I missed because he jumped back. However his eyes widened and he jumped forward towards my blade.

I smiled at how stupid some humans could be. However I then saw what he was doing. He turned his back to my blade and caught Blake.

If he hadn't caught her I would have cut her in half. He took unnecessary damage just to save her. I don't think I'll ever understand this human.

Unless what he said was true. Did he really lover her? He then jumped forward I saw blood start to pour out of his back. He set Blake down gently and looked at me with hate in his eyes.

"I tried to be reasonable about this. I didn't want things to come to this but you forced my hand. However I'm a reasonable guy so I'll give you one more chance," he said as he placed his hand on the ground.

When he did I felt the ground shake and then a giant circle appear around him. "I'm going to make this as clear as possible. If you step in this ring . . . I will kill you," he said looking at me.

For a human he does seem confident in what he's saying but he's still no match for me. I dashed forward and as soon as I felt stepped into the ring I felt something hard wrap around my body.

I looked around and couldn't see anything. I then started to float off the ground and he looked at me a little sad. "It's to bad. Under different circumstances we could have been friends," he said looking at me.

I then saw his hand tighten and felt whatever was holding me tighten. This feeling felt familiar. It felt almost like aura. I then remembered a trick my mom told me and focused as much aura to my eyes as I could.

I then saw what was holding me. It was a giant hand made out of pure aura. The arm looked to be coming from his back. It was copying every action his regular arm did.

I then saw another arm appear from his back and he threw me into the air. I at this point stopped using aura to see what he was doing. After all at the moment I need to be focused on landing.

However I felt my heart stop as I saew him bring both of his hands together. In a clapping like manner.

P.O.V. [Name]

I watched as this man was crushed and his bloomed went everywhere. I then sighed and turned around. It's a shame we were enemies. He seemed like a nice guy . . . except for the part where he tried to kill me.

I then picked Blake up and started to carry her towards Beacon. After everything she's been through she deserves some rest.

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