Chapter 2: Stalking

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P.O.V. Third

The teams of JNPR, and RWBY were in ozpin's office to give him there dissension. "Well let's here. What have all of you decided as a group?"
Ruby and Jaune both stepped forward.

"All the members of team RWBY have decided to accept the mission." Ruby stated.

"And all the members of team JNPR have decided to also accept the mission." Jaune stated right behind Ruby.

"That is excellent news now because of the exact details of this mission you will be accompanied by Glynda." As these words were spoken said women entered the room.

"She being the one with the most experience will be the leader of this mission." Ozpin said as he existed the room.

"Alright this is a peaceful mission avoid confutation unless absolutely necessary." Glynda said looking at them. They all nodded and the oldest among them continued to speak.

"Alright well we will split into teams of two except one team of three. The teams will be as followed Ruby and Yang, Phyrra and Jaune, Ren and Nora, then Blake, Weiss, and myself." The others nodded and split into their respective groups where they were each given a photo of the male afterwards they all left into town.

With Ruby and Yang

The two sisters were currently in the middle of Vale currently looking for anyone who resembled the photo they were given. They where currently looking for him and asking around if anyone had seen a photo of him. So far their search had come up empty but luck favored them and someone had apparently seen him around town.

"Yes I remember seeing him. He asked me where he could find the library yesterday something about having to meet someone there. I don't think he'll still be there." The man said walking away. The two didn't think twice before Ruby raced off leaving a gust of wind behind her and Yang racing behind her on her motorcycle.

When they arrived they asked around there no one had seen him except for the librarian.

"Excuse me miss but have you seen this boy?" Yang asked holding up the picture.

"Why yes I have he came in here yesterday. He met up with someone and left almost five minutes afterword's." The women said as she directed the two to were he sat. Just then they received a message on their phone.

"Come to the docks we found him." It was the voice of Glynda and she didn't sound to happy or patient and like the last time the two took off with their own modes of transportation.

With Jaune and Pyrrha

"So this [Name] guy you really think he's as strong as their making him out to be?" Jaune asked looking at Pyrrha.

"It certainly is possible we should never underestimate an opponent Jaune." Pyrrha stated looking at them.

"Well yeah I know that but what do you think?" Jaune asked.

"I think he may very well be as strong as they say he is. Why else would they have Glynda come with us?" Pyrrha said looking at him.

"I guess you're right. Even so how can we be sure what he's really capable of?" Jaune asked.

Pyrrha was about to respond but they received a transmission. "We found him he's at the docks." After this the two raced towards the docks it wasn't far from where they were.

With Ren and Nora

Nora was off being Nora and Ren was trying to get Nora to focus on the mission.

"Oh look Ren it's a water sloth Nora said pointing to a turtle." Ren chose to ignore this and try to keep Nora on track.

"Nora we need to focus. If we don't find [Name] things may go wrong." Ren said trying to keep Nora focused.

"If we do find him we'll brake his legs." Nora exclaimed then took off once again.

"I don't think she'll ever take this seriously." Ren said as he chased after her.

"We found him he's at the docks." Ren heard his communicator say. He raced after Nora to tell them what he had recently discovered.

With Glynda, Weiss and Blake

They unlike all the others had decided to check the docks for the teen male in question.

"Do you really think he'll be here?" Weiss asked looking at the older female.

"I do. Think about it if you knew someone was trying to find you in a town filled with hunters you may want to leave to right?" Glynda said walking in front of them.

"This is true but what if he doesn't know we're looking for him?" Weiss asked.

"Then we know he won't be expecting us. This may be our one and only chance to see if the [Last Name]'s really lived up to the legend they set." Glynda said looking at them.

Blake then saw the boy they were looking for the exact same one she had encountered yesterday. When she did she altered the other two.

"Hey Weiss Ms. Glynda I think I found him." She said pointing to the male figure in a [F/C] shirt.

"Yes that is him." she said as they took to the roofs.

Glynda then pulled out a phone she had and spoke into it.

"We found him he's at the docks." She said as they continued to follow him.

It was then that two familiar figures made themselves known. Both known by Blake yes they were non other than Roman and Adam.

It was at this point that the others had arrived and began to watch what was about to unfold.

"May I help you two gentlemen?" [Name] asked looking at them.

"Yes I would like you to join us."Adam said looking at him.

"Join you?" He questioned.

"Yes you see my name is Ro-" The orange haired began only to be cut off.

"I know all about you Roman. I member of the White fang you work for someone that much is clear. You are also a very well known criminal with a rather large bounty on his head. However the other one of you is unfamiliar to me." [Name] said looking at them.

"Oh since you know who I am you must know what we are asking of you." Roman stated.

"Yes indeed just one thing." [Name] said a slight smirk on his face.

"What would that be?" Roman asked. With this [Name] raised his head and swung it downward. When this was done the building behind him came crashing down. Then the nine that were stalking him came crashing down on top of the rubble.

"Why are you following me especially you." He said pointing to Blake. This earned her several looks.

"I mean as if stalking me yesterday wasn't enough you do it today too and you brought friends too." He said looking at blake.

"Well kitty it would seem as if-" When Roman said this [Name] rose his hand and brought down and Roman was sent to the ground.

"Excuse me but this is a conversation between me and her. So I would appreciate it if you didn't interrupt." [Name] said looking at them.

"Roman!" Adam exclaimed he rushed forward and [Name] brought his hand sideways and Adam was sent into a wall.

"Now care to explain your actions?" [Name] said approaching her.

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