Chapter 2

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When i woke up in the morning i didn't bother turning on the television, My face and my parents face would be everywhere. I woke up at six to make breakfast for everyone before school. It's nothing special really, scrambled eggs, bacon and toast. Morgan was the first one to come into the kitchen.

"Hey, how are you doing?" she asked.

"Better. I made you breakfast." i said.

"Thanks. Have your parents called you?" she asked

"Not yet." I answered "I'm gonna go change." i said.

I went up stairs to my room and picked out my clothes for the day. I choose a black tank top, a blue flannel, black jeans, and all black high top converse. I let my hair go natural today, straight, and a little messy. Right when i was about to leave my room i got a phone call from my Dad.

"Hi Dad" i answered.

"Hey, baby. How are you?" he asked.

"Good Dad." i said.

"Did you see the show last night?" he asked

"Yea,i did"

"We're so sorry baby. You know we love you right?" he asked

"Yea i know"

"Look, your mom and I are trying everything to get home in time for your birthday." He said

"Dad, it's fine. I mean i get it you're busy" i said trying to convince him I'm okay.

"No it's not fine Sophia. We should be there." He said

"Your mother wants to talk to you" he said. I waited a few seconds for my mom to talk.

"Hey Sophia. I miss you so much" i could tell she was crying.

"Mom, don't cry." i told her

"I'm sorry, but I feel bad not being there right now, and for your birthday" she said sniffling.

"Mom, it's ok. I'll just spend it with my friends" I told her

"Oh baby. I wish i could spend it with you"

"Why don't we just change the subject. What do i do about the paparazzi?" i asked

"Right ok. You need to take your car everyday until they die down. Only talk to your friends and your teachers. If you have a substitute you walk out of the class immediately. Also, keep all the door and windows closed and covered." she said.

My mom has been doing this for 16 years now so yea, she knows exactly what to do.

"Ok i will. I got to go. Me and the girls want to go get some coffee from Amore" i told her.

"Alright baby we love you" she said

"I love you too"

I grabbed my stuff and went down stairs. The girls were already ready and waiting for me to be ready. We locked up everything and left. We stopped by our favorite coffee shop and got some coffee, obviously, and then we went to school. When we got there there were more people than usual in the parking lot.

"What the hell is going on?" Riley said.

"Judit and Michael Love" i said.

When i finally got to park my car people gathered around and waited for me to come out. You've got to me kidding me. When i got out some girls that never talked to me came up to me and attacked me with questions.

"How do you know Judit and Michael?"

"Are they the one that gave you this car?"

"Can you give them my number, to help me become an actress?

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