Chapter 6

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*Graduation day*

Ever since my birthday Danny has been trying to win me over in the simplest yet cutest ways. He tries to come over as much as possible or get me to go to his There was one night where they almost fought, Danny had caught me by surprise and kissed me, when Ethan saw he was pissed. Luckily i got them not to fight, but i'm worried if it happens while i'm not there they'll kill each other. But today's the day where none of that is going to be tolerated.

At my school they have a "dress code rule" for graduation and the girls can't wear dresses longer than their gowns, so imagine how upset my mother was. I for one was happy, I did not want to risk falling in front of everyone on the day of my graduation. My mother ended up picking out a baby pink dress with lace on top. I'll hand it to my mom it's a pretty dress, but baby pink isn't really my favorite color in the world. Anyways, Ethan as the current Vice Principal will stand next to the Principal and give out diplomas. Ethan has tried to win me over without trying to seduce me so that's a plus. For a while now, i've had a feeling that i should breakup with Danny, I still feel like im doing Ethan dirty, and i don't know if i'm ok with that.

"Hello? Earth to Sophia" My mother said.

"Sorry" i apologized

"Darling I'm starting to worry." she said. I got up from my bed and walked over to my new vanity.

"About what?" I asked

"You, ever sense your birthday you seem to think more than you used to, like more distracted, and you cry every night" the last one caught me by surprise.

"You hear me?" i said lowly. She sighed and walked over to me

"Yes, and you know you can tell me anything. If you don't want me to tell anyone not even your father i won't." she said.

"I'm in love..." i began

"That's not so bad, with Daniel i imagine?"

"With him, and someone else..." i continued.

"Oh that is. What's his name? Is he in your grade?"

"No, you actually know him."

"Is it that Adam boy you told me about a while back?" she asked.

"No. he's older" she became a little stiff. "It's Graham, i mean Ethan" she stood there looking at me. At first she seemed emotionless but then she started to smile and laugh.

"What?" i asked.

"I knew it." she smiled "I was hesitant about letting him protect you at first, but your father was so persistent and i thought maybe it was time for my daughter to find love. But little did i know, you loved Danny." she explained.

"Wait what? Mom you're making no sense" i said

"Darling I knew what Ethan was like when he got used to someone, and I knew that you would end up falling for him and him for you."

"Did you plan all of this out?" i asked.

"Not necessarily, i didn't want you to be torn, confused and heart broken"

"I am, Mom i don't know what to do."

"Do you want me to replace Ethan?" she asked.

"No!" i slightly shouted "I know that every time i see him i just want to hug him and kiss him and just love him, and i know he makes me feel confused but it's better than missing him everyday and wishing he was by my side."

"Oh baby, you have it bad. And if i may intervene, I don't think you love Danny as much as you say you do"

"What?" i asked confused

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