Chapter 24- Lining the Beach

Start from the beginning

Instead of following my thoughts, I leaned up on my tip-toes and kissed his slightly scruffy cheek. Pulling away, I felt heat rush to my cheeks and turned. Leaving Gideon to go to the car, I shut the door behind me softly.

Goddamn he's so hot. I want him to be mine!

Ignoring my strong thoughts, I walked to the car, my tennis shoes crunching on the gravel as I did so. I sat in the car for thirty seconds before Gideon came out of the villa, locking the door on the way out. Watching him, I saw he carried a bag-most likely with towels or supplies with whatever we were doing. Throwing it in the back when he got in, Gideon started the little rental car.

"So where are we going?" I asked.

"It's a surprise."


"Gideon, I'm tired," I complained.

Gideon glanced back at me a few stairs down. "Is it your side?"

"Yes," I said honestly. "My hip."

Walking back down to the same stair as me, Gideon held out his hand. I looked at him weirdly.

"Give me your harness," Gideon blinked.

Handing him the zip-lining harness, I watched him turn so his back was away from me.

"Come on," Gideon motioned for me to get up on his back.

"Oh, no," I shook my head. "I'm not going to do that to you."

"Just get on," Gideon rolled his eyes.

"I'll walk," I told him firmly and started up the stairs again.

"Keona, don't push yourself."

"Don't try and break yourself," I retorted.

Gideon sighed and decided he was going to lose this battle. Instead of continuing to argue, Gideon started walking right next to me. His hand came to the small of my back and I tried not to shiver.

"At least let me support you," his voice was thick.

"Fine," I sighed.

Once we reached the top of the cliff, we waited in a line of about five other people. Gideon kept his hand on my back, watching the scenes ahead carefully.

"Are you two going together or separate?" a man asked Gideon.

"Together," Gideon didn't hesitate.

"You," the man looked at me, "on the left line. You will be on the right sir."

After we were strapped safely into the harnesses, we were told to adjust our helmets so they fit. Gideon stepped up to the edge of the cliff, a different man hooking him up to the cable.

"Ready?" the first man asked me.

"No," I replied.

"You'll love it," the man hooked my strap onto the cable and connected another one to Gideon.

Gideon looked over to me and smiled softly. I returned the small smile and then looked down to the hundreds of feet of nothing.

Feeling a push on my back, I felt my feet go off the edge. All harness held me as I went plummeting across the line, winding biting my face and blowing back my hair. Gideon shouted a "woo" and I glanced over at him.

"Are you scared?" Gideon raised an eyebrow and I shook my head.

"No," I shook my head, yelling over the wind. "I've never done this before!"

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