Ch. 8- All Those Lies

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     Aunt Julie and Uncle Mark had sat me and Christie down in the living room. We sat in a black leather love seat as Julie and my mom sat on a black and white leather couch across from us and Mark in his beat up blue recliner. He had given me and Christie a cup of tea for each of us and one for Julie. What a gentleman. I sat mine down on the coffee stand next to me. Everyone was so quiet and I looked around to see nothing had really changed from last time I was here about a month ago. Everything was tidy and clean, just the way Julie liked it. Just the way everyone would like it.

My Mom started to tear up. I tried to comfort her but wasn't sure if it would work. She was so inlove with Kevin at one point and now that was ruined because of his alcohol and drug problem.

     "Mom, it's ok. Screw that asswhole! All he did was make our lives a living hell." I sipped at my tea and my mom started to sob, putting my tea down I walked across the room and wrapped my arm around her shoulders.

     "Karlie, me Julie and your mom really need to discuss something else other than Kevin. Have you found out about your specialty yet?" Mark was very blunt about it but still seemed nervous and had on a serious yet worried face and I figured why not come clean this was my family.

     "Yes. I'm a Vampire. " I had let go of my mom slowly, I could feel her pulse and smell her blood, and I can hear everyone's heartbeats. Its definitely not helping my thirst as I could feel the burning sensation in my throat. Christie had guzzled her tea down and was starting to get shaky.

    "Your not just a Vampire Karlie. Your more than that. You are strong and useful to any kingdom. Every kingdom. Do you know about the Queen?" Julie asked me as she wouldn't look at me like she used to. I used to be her pride and joy and it felt like she had lost her touch for me.

     "Yes, and I know about my brother, and how mom lied about the miscarriage. How they took him from mom before she could even hold him ." I glared at my mother for lying to me all these years about my life, but as I kept looking at her I could see the hurt on her face in her swollen eyes and red nose. I gave her a concerned look and rubbed her back.

     "And who told you this?" Mark questioned my story.I looked at Christie and she looked back at me.

     "I did sir, my grandmother is a very strong witch and has the ability of a watcher." She glanced over at Julie and my mom, "She's been helping me with my abilities too and I didn't want to tell her but my Nanna said it was for the best and that If I didn't do it now then things would get worse, please don't hate me Mr. Mason but we had already helped Karlie turn."

     My aunt Julie's eyes went wide. "You did what? Mark! We have to do something.!" She got up pacing back and forth. She had walked to the counter and grabbed a pen and a piece of paper. She started to scribble something without even looking at the paper. Her eyes turned to a beaming white and her pupils disappeared. I couldn't help but stare into her eyes until they flickered back to normal.

  "Have you used any of your witch powers yet?" Aunt Julie asked.

    "No I didn't know I was a witch only vampire?" She huffed a breath in relief.

   "OK, so we might as well just get to our point." Mark looked at me and I stared back into his amazing hazel eyes that seemed to be a little dull. I've never seen him so stressed out. "Karlie, Julie is your real mother."

   A gasp escaped my lips and Christie gasped with me. I couldn't believe what I just heard.

  "What?" I asked in complete confusion. Christie grabbed my hand squeezing it.

~Don't freak ok just listen. I'm here for you ok.~ She mind linked me but I was to curious to answer her back. I knew there was something that I didn't want to hear before I even got here. My mother, that I had just heard really isn't my mother, looked at me with tear filled eyes.

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