'Oh my gosh it's Tyger Drew Honey!' - Chapter Eighteen

Start from the beginning

I told Amy I needed to toilet and went with my phone in a bid to make things right with Danny. I thought about calling him but I figured this was more of a face-to-face kind of deal. I then sat on the loo (lid down, don't worry) and began to type a text.

'Hey Danny. So I've been thinking about our fight and how silly it was. I still mean everything I said and I'm sure you do to but we honestly can't let things like this get between us. You're one of my best friends and I think we just have to rise above the cattiness of high school. I'm staying with Amy at the moment so I'm only a few minutes from your house. I was wondering if you wanted to go into town and maybe see a movie or something on Wednesday. Let me know, Jess.'

I decided not to mention that I wanted to have a chat with him because I know that's the kind of stuff that scares guys. Maybe if I just sprung it upon him he'd be more honest and less scared.

When I went back into Amy's room I felt guilty. There was no real reason to but the feeling plagued me even still.

"Hey Jess I forgot to tell you but I'm meeting up with some of the girls on Wednesday and it would be great if you could come - they're all so eager to see you." She greeted me as I re-entered the room.

"That sounds great. Oh wait," I suddenly remembered my text. "I can't do Wednesday I'm meeting up with a friend from school."


"Just a girl I know - Sophie." I made up the name on the spot.

"Oh okay then, maybe the day before then?"

"Yeah sure." I nodded, eager to see my old friends.

I know it looks bad - I shouldn't be lying to Amy so much. But there's just so much history with her and Danny, me and her, me and Danny. It doesn't seem worth doing something that could upset our friendship when we're just seeing each other for a week.

As Amy and I talked into the night - I couldn't help notice something missing. The conversation flowed fine and there was no awkwardness or anything. And yet something wasn't the same. Guilt plagued my mind the whole time we spoke and my mind kept flitting back to St Peter's.

Just before we went to bed I checked my phone - there was one new message.'

'Sounds great, can't wait to see you there. Danny x'


On Tuesday we went shopping with my old school friends as planned. There were five of us in all - Amy, Alicia, Jenna, Katie and me. The conversation flowed well and we were having loads of fun. After shopping for about three hours we sat down in Starbucks to catch up properly.

"Oh my gosh, I hate this song!" I groaned when 3 by Britney Spears came on over the speakers.

"Oh no," Alicia said, sounding upset.

"What is it?" We all chorused.

"This was me and Beth's song." She looked like she was about to cry.

"Oh well that's romantic" I said, in a misguided attempt to comfort her. "And kind of gross." Seriously - how can that be a couple's favourite song?

"No it's not like that," she quickly said. "It's because it's both of our favourite numbers."

"Oh well that's okay," I contracted my earlier dissaproval. "I think."

"Anyway, let's not talk about me and Beth - I've just got that away from my mind. Jess, why don't you tell us about the boys at your new school?"

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