'Thank you, Your Majesty,' said Eliza bowing her head. To her surprise, she felt a heat wave taking over her every time she looked at him.

'Gabriel...' smiled the Prince. 'My name is Gabriel. I think it's about time we call ourselves by our names, don't you agree? What do they call you back home?'

'Eli...Mara. They call me Mara,' said Eliza quickly, biting her tongue.

'It's an honour knowing you, Eli-Mara,' laughed the Prince bowing his head and stretching out his hand.

The girl held his hand, and for a moment they just stood there, hand in hand, looking at each other. In a brief moment, they pulled back their hands and tried to find something to look at. Eliza chose her dress' hem, and the Prince set his eyes on the cover of the book that seemed very interesting all of a sudden.

'Well, Mara, in a few days my leg will heal and I'll go back to war... I'm afraid we'll have to postpone the engagement.'

Eliza stood up, being unable to believe what she was hearing.

'What?! After everything that happened you still want to go to war?'

The cheerfulness ran off from the Prince's face. 'Of course. No country I waged war on has remained unconquered. If I hadn't been wounded...' 'I don't understand. Why are you doing this? Why do you sow hate and sorrow everywhere you go?'

'Because others have sowed pain in my heart when they killed my parents. When they killed my father... He used to tell me "Son, always count on honour and justice. Only using them will you succeed." He was the most honourable and peaceful King, one that wouldn't harm anyone in the world. And what good was that?'

'And that's why you pour your hatred on innocent people? What did they do to you?' almost shouted Eliza. Her eyes were piercing him. And the Prince was close to falling on the divan, that's how surprised he was with her audacity. No one has ever spoken to him like that.

'I need the strongest army to beat these forces,' he said trying to calm himself down, even though his cheeks were increasingly turning red. 'You don't know how evil they are. If the prophecy comes true, next spring will bring the most dreadful fight this world has ever seen. Either they or we will triumph. But I'm not giving in without a fight.'

'What prophecy are you talking about? Why doesn't anybody tell me anything?'

The Prince took a deep breath, 'Fine! Tonight, at midnight, come to the Council Room. You will find out more there. Now you can retire.'

And thus saying, the Prince went back to his reading like she wasn't even there. Eliza stormed out of the library, slamming the heavy door behind her and didn't stop until she reached her chamber. She found herself talking alone, going from one end of the room to another.

'I hate him, I hate him! How could I have ever thought I might feel something for him?'

The Hidden Princess (Book One of the Whispered Tales)Where stories live. Discover now