Chapter 2 × First Encounter ×

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Sonata's POV

What to do?

What to do?

"Ugh!" I groan and slam my head on an alley wall.

Ever since I left prison, destroying cities just got even more boring.

" *sigh* I'm so boooorrreedd." I groan and push myself off the wall.

I walk out of the alley and suddenly the ground started to shake.

"What the--" I said but was cut off by a huge Rock like monster staring down at me.

"uh.... Hi..." I said sheepishly.

'Maybe this rock monster ain't so bad, maybe it just wanted to have some fun?'

But my thoughts were wrong.

Before I could even react the Rock like Monster suddenly grabbed the nearest lamp post and swung it, sending me flying.

As I was sent flying I close my eyes and prepare for impact, but my flight was then cut short.

I felt a pair of arms grab me and hold onto my tightly.

I open my eyes and saw a guy with jet black hair and a mask covering his face.

The guy sets me down on the ground and said.

"You better get out of here or you'll end up getting hurt." The guy smiled and ran back to the monster.

I look back to the fight and saw a few more people or should I say heroes--

( due to their costumes and powers it seemed a bit obvious )

--fighting the monster.

So this city has super heroes too huh?

As they were fighting, the rock monster suddenly grabbed a car and threw it at my direction.

Does this thing have a grudge against me?!

Like what the hell did I do to it?!

I grab my guitar from it's case and took the pick out from my pocket and drag it down the strings making a sonic wave.

The sonic wave was able to send the car back and hit the monster straight in the face knocking it out.

"Ha! That'll teach you to throw cars at people!" I shout catching those heroes attention.

"Oops..." I said and lowered my guitar.

With those looks on their faces their probably wondering if I'm some escaped science experiment.

I grab my case and turn around.

'Well no matter the reason no way am I staying here!'

With that goal in mind

I made a dash for it.

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