My Weird Concept On Life

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My brain is quite a strange thing. Sometimes I just like to think to myself about the different things that life throws at us, and consider why certain events occur. I'm either really bored all the time or maybe I'm genuinely interested in this whole concept.

So I have this weird belief that things in life are supposed to happen. Some may agree with me, but I agree that even certain deaths such as even murder were supposed to happen for a reason.This is sad, but could be possibly true. 

I also have this belief that any action we take, whether big or small, can either change our day completely or even our lives. For instance, just imagine you are driving down a busy street. It's been a busy day and you're hungry and you want nothing more than to go home. You stop at a set of lights and see a pizza shop just ahead of you. Now just imagine if the choice you make next could completely change your life. What if you stopped at the pizza shop? You ate the pizza and ended up with food poisoning because the pepperoni on your pizza was months over its expiry date. Could have been worse, right? Well just imagine if you didn't stop at the pizza shop, but continued down the street? Well just past the intersection you stopped at, a drunk driver drove through a red light and you could have been hit, resulting in your car rolling over and you never going home.

I think both these theories link. Things are supposed to happen depending on certain choices we make in everyday life. I mean, not many people just stop and consider the different options when completing average tasks. We'd be thinking about so many possible situations that could occur that we'd never have the time for anything else!

The different things life throws at us, I believe can cause a variety of reactions depending on choices that we make. Whether we make the wrong or right choice, whether we end up lucky or in complete doom, life is strange isn't it? You may find my concept weird, and I can't blame you, but I just thought I'd share a bit more about what goes inside my head. I don't tend to think about this too often. It's just something I've thought about every now and again, especially when going through rough periods of time in my life.

Let me know if you agree, disagree, or just outright think I'm a really strange person! I'll probably upload more thoughts, as well as story details and more.

Thanks for reading! 

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