Ch. 29 - Flaming Peacocks

Start from the beginning

Georgia taps on my shoulder.


"Hi, Riley! I heard the news!" she squeals excitedly. "I'm a huge supporter of Greenfield!"


"Riley Green and Asher Westfield?" she says like it's obvious. "Come on, Riley! Don't act like you didn't even know your own ship name."

"You own a boat?" Franklin asks, jumping into the conversation.

"Oh my gosh, Franklin! It's like you were born in the twentieth century!"

"I was.." he says slowly.

Georgia laughs obnoxiously loud. "Laugh out loud! You're too cute, Frank."

I smile and turn back around in my chair as Georgia goes on to explain the idea of a 'ship'.

Dexter sits up in his chair and stretches his arms over his head. He glances my way, a frown set on his face.

"Hey," I say with a small wave.

He just looks to the front of the classroom towards Mr. Castaway. I bite my lip and focus on class as well. It's hard to do with Georgia's obnoxious blabbering about celebrity ships.

"Riley, Dexter," Georgia whisper-screams. She's trying to be discreet, but everyone can hear her, including Mr. Castaway.

"Yeah?" I ask, not turning around in my seat.

"Franklin just told me he thinks I'm annoying. Do you have anything to say to him?"

I look to Dexter to see if he'll say anything before I respond. "Georgia's not annoying," I defend the girl. "She's one of the sweetest girls I know."

"Riley, can't you just say one nice thing about me for once in your-" She stops mid-sentence. "Did you just compliment me?"

Dexter glances at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, Georgia. I think you're nice. If really hated you, I never would've talked to you in the first place. You're my friend," I state officially.

Georgia looks at me as if I just told the world I'm Beyoncé. "What? Oh my gosh! Riles!" She gives me a hug from behind.

I nod and smile awkwardly to Mr. Castaway, who looks pleased about the whole friendship thing.

"Dexter, do you have anything to say to me?" Georgia now asks.

He keeps his eyes down on his desk as he says, "I think you're a bitch."

"Mr. Reed," my teacher warns.

Dexter stands up from his desk and puts his arms up on either side. "What? It's true, isn't it? No one actually likes Georgia. She's annoying and rude."

"Dexter," I whisper, glancing towards Georgia who looks close to tears. "Stop it."

"Why should I, Riley?" he asks me aggressively. "This whole school is full of assholes!"

"Hey, buddy, watch it!" Mr. Castaway says and takes a step forward from behind his desk.

Dexter doesn't give it up. "Franklin is weird-ass geek. Hannah, Victoria, and Carla are ditzy. Jackson, Gregory, and Dane are complete dumbasses. Nina is a-"

"Hey, stop it!" I say and stand up from my desk to shove him. "You're being a jerk."

"Whatever," he mutters and storms out of the classroom.

The rest of us just look at one another in confusion and a little bit of fear. Mr. Castaway motions for everyone to be seated, pinching his nose.

"I'm going to go find him," he says. "All of you stay here and be quiet."

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