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You had apparently caught up with the same male from yesterday and began to casually chat with him. First, you were walking around in one of your favorite places in Maiami City, and Yuya caught your eyes because of his vibrant, eye-catching hair colour and style. Deciding it would be refreshing to talk to him, you did, and turns out he was actually really, really interesting. You'd be lying if you said you didn't enjoy your conversation. "...and then we just tumbled downstairs and into the couch. Man, mom was so mad. She said it was fine, though. Probably caring about our safety and all that hulabaloo." He blabbered on, when you asked about the deck he used. Immediately, his expression brightened and he sent you a stunningly cute smile. Warmth enveloped your being and you gulped. He began to tell you about his Performapal deck, how he uses it, and showed you his current Pendulum monsters. Rasing a brow at the weird background colour of the card, which consisted of orange and green, you commented that it was an interesting colour scheme for a card. Gently picking out the Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon out of the deck, you stared at it. Its eyes were red and green. Glancing at Yuya, you remembered his hair was red and green. "This dragon really suits you." You began. "It's unique and the eye colours are the same colours as your hair." Yuya thought about that for a moment before grinning. "I guess so!"


Clicking on the TV, you stared at the screen, where a lady chatted about the news and whatnot. Already bored, you got up from the couch, turning off the TV first, and walked out of your house. Your neighbors outside greeted you and you did the same. You decided to take a walk for awhile. Maybe a few hours or so, you'd come back.

--Time Skip--

When you got home, you noticed a farmiliar head of sky blue hair sitting on your dining room table??? What in the world was Sora doing here? Your mom was casually setting food on the table for him, and commented on how cute he was once in awhile. Sora and your mother took note of your presence and turned towards you. "Hello, dear!" She started. "Sora here says you're a friend of his. Is that true?" She asks, hopes somewhat high. Giving her a 'what-the-heck' look, you opened your mouth to answer, but the pony-tail wearing boy beat you to it. "We're great friends! We met at the candy shop. We talked non-stop! Right, (Y/N)-chan?" He sent you a somewhat evil-looking smile and a tilt of the head. Failing to notice it, your mother jumped up in enthusiasm. "I knew it! My little (N/N) has finally found a suitable and adorable man--" You stopped her by calming her down and laughing. "No, mom. He's just a friend. We only share common interests, nothing more." Sora felt somewhat disappointed at that statement but decided he'd make you fall for his adorable charm one day! Even fall in love with him.


You briskly walked through the halls of LDS, getting the occassional hello from your aquaintances, to which you responded with a grin and the flick of your pointing fingers. Of course, you flipped off the people you disliked, too. Gotta give everyone a greeting; it's good manners. You saw some people move out of the way and a certain dart-loving male stepped into the hallway, sparkles and what not surrounding his entire entity. Raising a brow, you walked up to him. He opened his eyes, stopping himself from his little speech of how great he was. Your (E/C) stared into his light bluish-grey orbs. He then flipped his hair and gave you a cocky grin. "Hello, (Y/N)." He drawled. "Did you just interrupt me from my awe-inspiring speech?" You laughed loudly. "You mean when you were going on and on about how much of a dork you were?? Oh. Didn't you lose to that tomato head? What was his name again? Yuya?" The other students laughed at your statement, causing Shingo's face to turn a bright red. "He was just lucky! I could beat him at a duel any other day, just not that day!" You laughed even more and his face continued to burn. "Nerd." Ruffling his hair, you walked away from him, leaving him to sputter in embarassment.


Shun stood up straight, Yuto doing the same. They both walked about the streets, coming to what seemed like a festival. When they walked into the area, Shun noticed that you were there, giving people those little stars again. You had your hair loose, your bangs framing your face, and since it was a bit hot out tonight, your cheeks were a little flushed, making you look ten times cuter than you were before. Yuto followed his friend's line of sight before he stopped on your smiling figure. He inwardly smirked before walking towards you. Shun raised a brow and followed his comrade, breath hitching when he noticed Yuto walking towards you. The purple-haired duelest gave you a short but sweet greeting and you smiled, handing him a few lucky stars. They were multicoloured this time, and shiny. You glanced over at Shun and smiled. "Nice to meet you again, Shun! Did you like the stars I gave you?" The golden-eyed male nodded, grunting. Happiness filled your heart and you couldn't help but pat his shoulder; a kind gesture you did to almost all the people you've met. As you began to walk away, you almost tripped and fell, Yuto catching you before that could happen. Anger and slight jealousy clouded Shun's mind. Why the heck was he jealous anyway?? This is stupid. You thanked Yuto and ran off. Yuto looked over to his friend and saw him fuming. "Looks like I've ruffled your feathers." Shun narrowed his eyes in unamusement.


As promised, Yuto came back to listen to you play, but without Shun. Once he arrived, he found you, and some other guy. He was older, and wore a suit and tie. It seemed as if you both were arguing. You looked a little worked up, and was turning red by the second. The man then ended the argument and walked off, clearly disappointed. When Yuto walked up to you, you gave him a half smile. "Don't worry man, he's just way out of his mind. They think they can put a price on my music, but it wants to be free." The male was astonished by your choice of words, but nodded in understanding. He wanted to end the dispute before it became something else, but luckily it ended pretty quickly. Turning to face him, you began to speak. "So, back for another listen?" Yuto nodded. "Alright then. You requestin'? Or are you in the mood for something?" He thought about it before saying,"Something happy, that's how I'm feeling."


Laying on the ground in disappointment, you got up and looked at the scores on your recent tests. You had gotten a few D's (oml), and an F. Jeez, your parents were going to destroy you when you get home. The teacher called you to speak with him after class. When class ended, you walked up to his desk. "Miss (L/N). I see you're making bad scores on your tests. Is there anything wrong going on at home? Or...?" He trailed off. 'I can't tell him I've been procrastinating on homework and studying. Nope, nope, nope.' "I've been procrastinating, I'm sorry! Weird things have also been happening to me too!" 'Damn it.' The teacher stared at you like you were crazy before shrugging it off and talking with you a bit more and dismissing you. Walking home, you passed right by Yuri's house, and noticed he was sitting down in his little porch. He took notice of your presence and immediately got up and stalked towards you. "Good to see you again, (Y/N)." He began, walking even closer to you. You were already beginning to feel nervous. "Uh, yeah. Bye Yuri." When you began to flee, you felt a hand grab your wrist. A body pressed against yours, and your heart almost leaped out of your chest. Warmth spread about your body and you began to sweat. "Leaving so soon?" He whispered, his hot breath hitting your neck. "YUP, LEAVING. BYE." You wriggled out of his grasp and fled to your home, leaving him to snicker at your behavior.

(A/N): *screams incoherent nonsense*

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