Sighing, I stare out the window as the lights passed by in a hazy blur. After what seemed like forever, we finally made it to the hospital. Rushing inside, we make our way to the receptionist desk for Nanjiroh to ask for Ryota's room number. After finding out, we take the elevator to the floor and walk down the hallway, the scene of sterilizer in the air. We finally see Ryoga standing outside the door, talking to the doctor.

"Ryoga..." Nanjiroh calls out.

Turning around, Ryoga looks over and gives Nanjiroh and Rinko a relieved look. "Mom, dad..."

Rushing up to him, Nanjiroh gives his son a hug. "You've done so much," Pulling back, he gives him a smile, "we'll handle it from here, alright?"

Nodding tiredly, Ryoga sighs and lets his shoulders slump. He glances at Atobe and nods to him, surprisingly calm. "I heard about what happened, although I don't think it was the best, I still appreciate that you tried to support him." Glancing at Atobe, I'm relieved to see the guilt in his eyes lessen even more.

The doctor clears their throat and reaches a hand out to Nanjiroh. "Hello, I take it you're Ryota Echizen's father?"

Nodding his head, Nanjiroh shakes his hand. "Yes, how is my son?"

Sighing, which was never a good sign from a doctor, he adjusts his clipboard. "Well, sir. I have good news and bad news, your son has a few lacerations on his arms, along with one of them broken, but they will heal in time. The bad news is that due to the impact of the accident, your son has partial paralysis in his legs." Grimacing, he continues on. "I'm afraid that there's a possibility that your son will not be able to walk again...."

My eyes going wide, I stare at him in shock. I knew that the accident had been bad, but to not be able to walk again was just horrible. The hallway was filled with heavy silence, the situation finally settling in. It wasn't until Ryoga broke the silence that everyone seemed to snap out of it.

"Akashi," Turning to him, I see Ryoga gesturing to the room, "Ryoma's in there with Ryota if you want to talk to him. I'm sure it will make him feel better to know you're here."

Nodding, I turn and reach out and open the door. Peeking my head in, what I see breaks my heart. Next to the sleeping form of Ryota, with multiple IV's hooked up to him, is my beloved Ryoma sitting in his chair. His slumped form tells me that he's close to his breaking point, his messed up hair and clothes do no better for my view of him. Closing the door behind me quietly, I make my way over to his side to see Ryoma's eyes shut. Smiling softly, I pick up a nearby chair and place it on the floor next to him, being sure to not disturb either of the brothers. Sitting down, I reach out and stroke his hair gently, missing the touch of my Ryoma.

Watching as he furrows his eyebrows a bit, his eyelids flutter a bit before opening them slightly. Smiling down at his sleepy state, I wait until the sleepy haze leaves his eyes to talk. "Hey, sweetie." I whisper gently.

Smiling weakly, Ryoma reaches up and wraps his arms around my neck. "Akashi, what are you doing here?" He whispers, pulling himself up to give me a hug.

Burying my face against his neck, I breath in his scent, missing the feel of my boyfriend. "Atobe gave your family and I a ride here after I got your call." Kissing his temple gently, I whisper in his ear quietly. "We just got the news on Ryota....I'm so sorry sweetie."

Feeling him sob against my shoulder, I hold him to me tightly. "I just want this nightmare to end." He whispered against my neck.

Nodding my head, I whisper in his ear quietly. "I know, baby, I know." Kissing his temple gently, we stay like this until the door opens, revealing Nanjiroh and Rinko.

Looking up, I nod to the two of them as Ryoma continues to cry softly. "Why don't you two head to the hotel?" Nanjiroh suggested. "Ryoga will take you two there, you three need to rest more than any of us."

Agreeing, I whisper in Ryoma's ear about us heading out. Once he nods, I grab his coat on the back of the chair and help him put it on. Standing up, I nod to the two of them as we make our way out of the room. Sitting outside of the room is Ryoga and Atobe, both sitting in comfortable silence. Glancing up, Ryoga nods to us and stands up himself. "You two ready to go?"

"Yeah." I whisper softly, still holding Ryoma against my side. Turning to Atobe, I gesture to the door. "I think it would do you good to go see him."

Shaking his head, Atobe sighs and rubs his hands together. "No...I'm going to let Nanjiroh and Rinko see Ryota in peace for a bit."

Nodding my head, I walk up to him and pat him on the shoulder. "Just remember, Ryota would want you here too."

Leaving him with that, the three of us make our way out of the hospital and to the hotel.

Atobe's POV

I don't know how long I sat outside the room, but it did give me enough time to process what was going on. This whole time, my mind was in a haze, although I tried to seem capable on the outside, my inner turmoil was eating me alive. I refused to allow myself to feel anything during this entire time, choosing to focus on getting to Ryota's side as soon as possible. After hearing about Ryota possibly not walking again, a pain so fierce settled itself in my chest. I had pushed Ryota to come here, pushed him away so he could pursue his career. But all he ended up with was a broken heart and a broken body.

Wincing, I sighed and let my head hit the wall behind me. 'I don't deserve to be forgiven...'

I'm snapped out of my stupor when the door opens, both Nanjiroh and Rinko exiting the room. Looking up, I stand up and watch as Nanjiroh nods to me. "We're just going down the cafeteria for some coffee. we haven't slept in what feels like ages." Hesitating bit, he continues. "We'll bring you a cup of coffee when we get back, could you just watch Ryota while we're gone?"

Shocked that they would trust me with their son, after everything, I glance at their faces to see complete trust in their eyes. Feeling warmth wash over me, I nod quickly. "Of course, take all the time you need."

Nodding their appreciation, the two make their way down the hallway. Turning around, I face the door and hesitate in opening it. Reaching out, I turn the knob and enter quietly.

What I see makes me die a bit on the inside.

Closing the door behind me, I take hesitant steps to Ryota's bedside. Feeling tears swell up in my eyes, I finally let myself go. Sobbing quietly, I fall to my knees at his bedside and hold onto the bed sheets while resting my forehead against the bed. "I'm so sorry..." I let out a broken sob. "I didn't mean for this to happen...I felt like I was holding you back from your talents, I just couldn't stand the thought of me being the one to hold you back." Shaking my head, my sobs rack my body as I struggle to form words of anointment. "I never meant anything I said! I love you so much, Ryota. So, so much. It killed me when I had to make up those lies, I thought that what I was doing was right, that I was supporting you in my own fucked up way...!" Biting my lip I struggle to talk through my sobs. "I'll never do it again, I'll be honest from now on....I'll never hurt you again, I'll do anything it takes to have you back in my life...." Calming down a bit, I tremble in exhaustion of letting the past 24 hours of emotion go. "Even if you can't forgive me....I'll still love you..."

Tears still sliding down my cheeks, I fail to notice the rustling of bed sheets until a hand holds onto mine tightly. "...Atobe?"

Shocked, I lift my head up immediately and stare wide eyed at the love of my life.


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