Where Were You?

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Ross's POV:

"ROSS OWNER! GET DOWN HERE NOW!" I heard my mom screaming from downstairs.


I groaned and got up, put on a pair of shorts and went downstairs. She gave me a really frustrated look. "Sit" she said, pointing at a chair in the dining room. I sat down and yawned. "WHO WERE YOU WITH?" She yelled. "Wha–" as soon as I opened my mouth, she cut me off. "WHERE YOU?" I waited for a second and  opened my mouth and once again, was cut off by my mother. "I HAD TWO OF THE NEIGHBORS TELL ME THAT YOU WERE TRESPASSING!" She yelled, face turning red.

"Okay, okay, Mom, calm down, its okay" I said. She put her hands on her hips and looked up straight into the eyes. "ITS NOT OKAY. WHERE WERE YOU?" She yelled again. "I was in the forest!" I yelled back. "SO YOU DID TRESPASS?" I cleared my throat. "Yes, but I didn't think it was trespassing at the time." I said. "THAT'S A CRIME! YOU COULD HAVE BEEN ARRESTED! WHO WERE YOU WITH?" she's so mad.

"Jin, my boyfriend" I said. She hit me in the back of the head and I brought my hand back to rub it. "OW!" I said. "BOYFRIEND!? WHAT DO YOU MEAN? YOU'RE A GUY. YOU BELONG WITH A GIRL. THAT'S THE WAY GOD MADE YOU!" She yelled. I rolled my eyes. "Enough with the religion" I whined. I didn't  believe in this stuff. It all seemed ridiculous to me. I wasn't against it, but I'll believe what I want to believe.

She smacked me in the head again. "STOP IT!" I was getting upset now. "I WANT TO MEET THIS BOY, UNDERSTOOD?" She asked. I nodded in response.  "GO EAT AND GO TO SCHOOL!" She said, walking into her room. Well, at least Dad wasn't here. Or my three aunts. God, my family... I got dressed and went to school, missing breakfast. I never thought she would have an issue with who I was...


Got some plans. Want your OC in the book? Describe who they are and what they look like and I might add one to the book.

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