The backdoor opened, catching charlie's attention, though she didn't move. She felt the weighted dip of someone sitting next to her, and then arms were around her shoulders, hugging her carefully.

"I'm sorry we weren't there." She heard the deep muffled voice and smelt the scent of Pine and clove, letting her know it was her dad. She didn't move, she didn't say anything. She never does. But she felt her heart constrict in her chest and pushed away the feeling as a single tear slid down her cheek. She knew her dad was honest in that moment, but she also knew he would be gone again within the next few days, if not by tomorrow.


     Charlie missed school on Monday and Tuesday, as per request of her Therapist. She even gave her a doctors note too give the school for missing, though she probably wouldn't need it. Especially since everyone probably heard of her being rolled out on a gurney by the paramedics. 

     The thought didn't bother her. Everyone already talked about her anyway, it would just give them more to say. Maybe something new for once. 

     This time, Charlie was impartial to school, rather than just not wanting to go. Conflicted was a good way to describe her. When she handed the lady at the front her note, both Carson and Austin were with her this time. She felt patronized, under constant surveillance, but she knew it was only cause they cared. She took the note back form the lady as it was signed off and proceeded down the hall, Carson on her tail. She was just glad that it was last week her project was due. She had deliver 2 sheet cakes, hand made. Now she didn't have to worry about any homework for the rest of the semester.

     Cameron was sitting in his normal seat. His knees bouncing, head rating on his arms which were folded across the desk. He was bored. He puffed out another breath and tucked his head under, into the crook of his arms. He couldn't help but picture Charlotte, her pale face and discolored lips, her rapid breathing... He didn't want that image of her in his head, but it was the last time he saw her. He had contacted Carson, her older brother, on Sunday and asked about her and if he could maybe come see her. It was a family only situation apparently.

     But Monday Carson had sought him out, thanked him, and told him a couple details why his sister went into shock. Cameron didn't take the news well. He couldn't help but wonder why Charlotte wasn't eating. But he could have guessed that was the reason for her shocked state when he had held her in his arms that day. She barely weighed anything.

     Suddenly, the room grew very quiet. 

     Cameron looked up, confused, and then saw who everyone was looking at. She was back. Her dark blueish black hair was framing her face, easily giving structure to her jawline. Her hood was down but she was still wearing it zipped all the way to her throat. Her face was still clear of any makeup, still pale, but rather than sickly looking, she just looked like porcelain again. Cameron smile. 

"Miss Baker, what a lovely surprise to see you back and healthy." The teacher exclaimed, a small smile on his face as he looked between the brother and sister standing in the doorway to the classroom.

"Charlie, let me know if you need me. Don't forget I'm just across the hall, and on speed dial." Carson smiled at her lightly, then hugged her shoulders briefly before walking out, giving his greetings to the teacher as well. The worried look on his face didn't go unnoticed by Charlie, but she didn't let it bother her either.

     Charlie looked towards her usual seat and almost stopped in her tracks when she saw Cameron sitting near her, the seat he sat in before he started ignoring her. She blinked. Then continued on her way down the isle. Cameron was giving her her a big closed lip grin, as she sat down beside him. 

"Hey." He greeted her, his words soft on her ears. "I'm glad you're back... You look better, healthier." He chuckled awkwardly, his head hanging. Charlie looked over at him more closely and saw his cheeks slightly pink. When he looked back up at her he froze slightly, not expecting her to be facing him. "Your brother told me what happened." He whispered. Charlie felt her eyebrows draw together slightly, a fraction of an inch at most, but it was enough for him to notice. "Just about why you went into shock is all." He quickly stumble, rubbing the back of his neck, looking around the room to make sure no one was listening in, then glanced back at her wit a soft look on his face. "Why weren't you eating?"

     He received no answer, like he knew would happen. 

"Hey... Can I sit with you at lunch?" He suddenly blurted out, ignoring the blood that rushed to his ears. "I-its just that I haven't really been sitting with anyone lately, and it would be nice to have company during that period, even if you don't want to talk." He forced a smile on his face through his cringe. Charlie couldn't help but think it was.... refreshing. But again, she didn't answer. But she didn't look away from him either and he smiled a toothy grin from ear to ear. 

"I'll take that as a yes." 


Yay! Another chapter! Let me know what you think! And yes, this book is getting updated almost every day in the month of November :) So cross your fingers that I'll make them good and long updates! And please please please please! Let me know what you think! 



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