Chapter 8: Meeting the Brother

Start from the beginning

Aj came back into the room with the blowtorch. He handed the blowtorch to Carter, and he lit it.

"You know Chance," Carter began,"I like you as friend but, I'm really going to enjoy this."

Carter held the blowtorch to Chance's stomach, and his clothes caught on fire. Chance yelled in agony, and he thrashed around but Cole and Kai held him tightly. I stared in terror as the fire got bigger.

"Manny put him out," Carter smirked. Manny put out Chance with a bucket of water, then threw the bucket at his head. I could see the burnt flesh through Chance's burnt shirt. It made me want to throw up. I looked at the tongs, and they were bright orange.

I looked at Carter and he was ordering Manny to punch Chance in gut, where his flesh was burnt. Manny did as he was told and Chance screamed in pain, and tears ran down his face. What can I do to stop this? Nothing.

"C-Carter," I mumbled. He didn't here me. "C-Carter," I said a little bit louder. He still couldn't here me over Chances screams. I need to get out of here.

"Carter," I yelled. He looked at me, and I handed him the glowing tongs. He took them, and I quickly walked toward the staircase.

"Where do you think you're going?" Carter asked.

"U-Upstairs," I replied.

"No you're not," he chuckled,"Get back over here." I stood my ground, with my back faced to him. "Natalie get over here!" Carter yelled. I didn't reply, I didn't want to look at Chance, and I did not want to be here. Soon an angry Carter roughly grabbed my arm, and dragged me back over to the coffee table.

"Look at him Natalie," Carter growled. I looked away, then Carter grabbed my face and made me look at Chance. His face was in pain, and he was looking really pale.

"Do you have to do this?" I asked.

"Yeah I do," he smiled,"This is what happens when you disrespect me."

"Can't you just starve him," I pleaded.

"Nope," Carter frowned,"Alright Kai, give me the tongs." Kai handed him the tongs, and Carter put the hot end on Chance's cheek.

He cried out in pain, and begged him to stop. I looked away not wanting to see this anymore.

After 20 minutes of nonstop torture Carter got bored.

"Where's my gun?" Carter mumbled.

"Right here boss man," Kent smirked, and handed Carter his gun.

"It's been real nice knowing you Chance," Carter smirked. Is he gonna do what I think he's gonna do?

"No Carter please don't," Chance begged.

"Don't worry we'll buy you flowers," Cole sighed. Carter held his gun up, and pulled the trigger. All I saw was blood go everywhere. I stood there frozen, and I sank to my knees.

"Y-You killed him," I breathed.

"Yep," Kent sighed, and dumped Chances body onto the carpet. Kent and Kai rolled Chances body up in a rug, and carried it outside.

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