"On who's asking, doesn't it?"  The boy cut in, amused. 

Alice responded by smacking him on the shoulder. Hard.

   "Be nice!  For goodness sakes, we want them to like us not hate our guts!"  Alice had somewhat of a southern lilt when she spoke, it was sweet and soft like syrup.

     "Ok, jeez!"  He said, taking one hand off the steering wheel to rub his shoulder.

     "I'm Blake.  Blake Heron.  And you both are..."  He waited for us to chime in but Flea was the only who spoke.  I was still unnerved by the recent change of scenery and abrupt turn of events.

     "I'm Flea, and this is Roach."  Blake tried to suppress a chuckle but it snuck its way out.  Again, Alice slapped him on the shoulder. 

     "It's not nice to laugh at people's names, they didn't get to choose them!"  Blake mumbled a hardly audible apology before returning his attention back to us but Flea spoke again before he could say whatever it was he was about to.

     "But these aren't our birth names, It's what they called us back at the zone.  The monitors chose them."  The car was silent again before Blake broke it.

     "So what are your real names then.  You know, the ones I can call you two without making it sound like I'm verbally bullying you?"  I watched Flea as she pointed to herself.

     "Well umm, I'm actually Taylor Sullivan.  And Roach is actually..."  Her voice trailed off.  I had never told anyone my real name, we weren't allowed to.  In fact, this was the first time I'd heard Flea's real name.  Hmm.  Taylor.  What a beautiful name...

      "I'll stick with Roach, thanks."  I muttered.  Flea sulked back in the seat, obviously disappointed she had shared her true identity and I had kept mine a secret.

     "Whatever suites your fancy, I guess."  Said Blake.  The car drifted into that same uncomfortable silence.
I was still on edge with this whole situation.  Alice and Blake were laid back and easy going enough that I knew they could not have been monitors trying to drag us back to the zone.  That and we were driving further away from the zone as opposed to towards it.

      "Where are we going?"  I asked.  Blake let Alice answer this time.

      "Well, we are currently headed to a gas station because our tank is dangerously close to empty.  But, in the long run, we are trying to get you two into Omaha by tomorrow afternoon or so.  That's where Order's base is."  Her answer cleared up hardly any of my confusion.

      "Who's Order?  Where are we now?"  I asked.  Blake sighed like he was about ready to recite a speech he'd already given dozens of times. 

     "We work for this group called Order that consists of people like us, the people with the variations.  We gather them from all over the world from who knows where and then after we teach you all the tools of the trade for how to strengthen and use your powers, we fight the bad guys.  You know, like your basic hostage situations, bank robbers, plane hijackings, etcetera, etcetera."  My brain was trying desperately to sort through the information.  Flea, I suppose I should start calling her Taylor now, was quicker to accept these facts than I was.

      "How did you find us?  How come you don't go and break out all the other kids at the zone?  What do you mean by variations?  Isn't it dangerous, what you guys do?"  Taylor was bursting with questions but Blake cut her off before she could finish, looking at her through the rear view mirror. 

     "Hey, slow down there speed racer!"  He chuckled before continuing.

     "You can thank Alice for finding you.  Her variation is the ability to see places that she isn't physically at.  Like she can spy on wherever she wants to without actually being there.  She was watching the zone for a while and she noticed that you two girls were a little more free willed that the others.  So last week, we hightailed it over here and she watched you up until your great escape and now, well now we're here.  Your other questions we will answer when we reach Omaha."  Blake glanced at me in the mirror again.  I noticed that his eyes were a startling blue, similar to Flea's only they were somewhat darker, a deeper, oceanic blue.  I looked away from the mirror, realizing I'd been staring.

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