Chapter 19 - When reality hits you

Start from the beginning

- Hey dad. What are you doing? - I ask him, sitting next to him.

- Nothing really, just browsing through old pictures. - He shrugged.

- Of who?

- Mum, old partnerships, you and me, basically.

- Oh.

I started to play with my hair and he put away his tablet and faced me.

- So, how are you feeling about León staying here? - He asked me with a certain malicia in his eyes.

- Cool. We are best friends so... I suppose it's cool to live with my best friend. - I vagally said.

- Mmm mmm...

- Dad, come on! You seriously think we're dating? - I almost shout.

- Vilu, you're phone is ringing. - León announced from the top of the stairs and I blushed, thinking about the possibility that he had heard me talking about the dating part.

I rushed upstairs and answered the phone.

- Hello?

- Vilu! Hi! - I recognised Fran's pitchy voice.

- Fran! Hey! What's up? - I asked her.

- No big deal. I was just wondering if you would like to come over. I'll have Camila and Naty here. Unfortunately, Ludmila is coming too because I didn't want to make Naty sad, so... - She explained in her funny way.

- That sounds great! I'll ask my dad first but what time is it?

- Ummm... anytime after lunch is okay.

- Certainly, m'am! - We both giggled.

- Text me! Bye!

- Yes! Bye, honey.

I hung up. I rushed downstairs and my dad was still looking at me in that uncomfortable way.

- Oh dad, stop doing that! Look, Fran invited me to a girls afternoon at her place. Can I go, please? - I asked.

- Sure. Just please be at home at 6pm.

- Thanks, dad. - I hugged him tightly.

I went back to my room and texted Fran. After doing that and turned on my computer. I was going to my favorite online store to see the latest items. Although, I heard someone knocking on my door. I lifted my head up to see León.

- Hey, come in. - I smiled at him, so did he.

- Thanks. - He sat in front of me. - I'm kind of bored.

- Me too. - I giggled. - We could sing together. I wrote this new song. - I said, looking for the music sheet. - It's about a couple from a series I used to watch. - That was obviously a lie, the song was about us.

- Was is its name? - He asked me as I sat again on my bed.

- Abrazáme y Verás.

I reached my keyboard and started to sing it. He sang the chorus that I had previously gave him with me. In the end, we smiled.

- Do you like it? - I asked him, nervously.

- I do, but... this isn't about any couple, is it? - He said, a little bit apreensive.

- No. - I sighed, kind of expecting that. The lyrics weren't that vague, they were pretty clear about... us.

He rubbed his face as he let his breath all out.

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