All alone.. :(

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*Brandon's Pov*

Oh my god.....

All this drama is really starting to tick me off!

Between Johnny and Zoey fighting.

Johnny and Austin fighting.

Johnny Austin and Zoey fighting.

Now Owens gonna be a wreak with Michelle moving.

Then to top it all off Josh and Callie will be all lovey.

God why can't I have a normal group?

I feel like i'm always left out.

"Brandon you okay?" I look up to see Zoey and Callie who sits next to me on either side of me on the curb outside the school.

"I'll be fine." I mumble.

"Brandon I know that's a lie." Zoey says from my right.

"We won't tell anyone." Callie adds on from my left.

"It's really nothing just thinking." I say.

"Okay." Callie say and stands up and walks back into the school.

"If there is anything at all that you need or wanna talk bout i'm always here. love ya bro." Zoey says and gives me a quick hug then goes back into the school also.

I sigh.

"I feel so alone." I whisper as a tear drops from my eye and splashes onto the pavement.

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