Meeting Josh's family

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2 weeks later

*Callie's pov*

It doesn't really feel like my family and I have been for 2 weeks and it has been great getting to know all my new friends but I hate keeping my secret from them. Everything went back to normal after Zoey came back and Johnny and Austin even talked there problems out and Austin layed off Zoe.

At my locker..

"Hey, Callie." Josh and Austin said

"Hey Cuties!" I smiled and kissed both of the on the cheek

"Cal what are doing tonight for dinner?" Josh asked

"hmmm I'm going to eat with my family like ever nite Why??" I laughed

they laughed

"Well I've told my family alot about you and they really want to meet you so I was wondering if you wanted to come over for dinner?" he asked

"Sure I would love to meet your family!" I hugged them and walked away

That night

*Josh's pov*

I was sitting on the couch playing video games with my 2 young brothers waiting on Callie

" Hey,bro what does Callie look like?" My annoying 15 year old brother sean ask

*knock knock*

"you will find out in a min bro. I got it Mom!" I ran to the door and opened it

"Hey Baby Callie! You look Amazing!" I said (see External link)

Everyone in the group calls her Baby Callie because shes the youngest by 3 week Michelle is 3 weeks old then Callie

"Hey Cutie! And you look pretty nice ur self 2!" She laughed

"Hunny who's at the door?" My mom asked walking to the door

"Hi Mrs.Metzler. I'm Callie Josh's friend. Its nice to meet you." She smiled

"It's nice to meet you Callie and Please call me Sophie. The rest the crew does anyway so please come in" Mom said

"Thank you Mrs.Met- I mean Sophie." She walks in and I take off her jacket. "Thanks Cutie."

"No Probably Baby C. Come on I want you to meet my 2 bothers and my dad." I grad her hand

she smiles

"Hey bro who's the Hottie?" Sean asked while Callie looked down blushing

"Sean Shut up! This is Callie. Callie this is my 15 year old brother Sean." I said

"Hi sweetie!" Callie said smiling

"h-h-hi!"Sean said

"I this many." holding up 4 fingers

"Aww! What's his name Joshy?" she asked

"Did I hear someone say Joshy??" my dad asked

Shit I hate when people say Joshy in front of my parnets but its soo cute when Callie says it

"That's Aaron and I'm Seth you must be the beautiful Callie we have heard soo much about.?" he smiled

"Hi sir and yes I'm Callie I don't know about the beautiful part I know I'm Callie." I laughed

"Guys dinner time!!" mom yelled

A hour after dinner...

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