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What is life,

without your smile?

What is the world,

without your blue eyes?

Your kindness amazes me.

Your view of the world helps me understand.

Before you,

I only knew of petty jealousy,

expressed through hate.

Shakespeare once wrote,

of a woman so fair,

that her beauty,

must be written down, immortalized,

into one of the greatest sonnets in all of history.

That is what,

I shall do with you, dear friend,

for you have been kinder to me than anyone,

and for that,

I thank you.

And though it is hard for me to show,

I do care for you,

as more than just a friend.

You may not return my affections,

or you may, as I am terrible at reading even you,

but I still wish to have you in my life,

for you are the only one,

who isn't mean about,

being envious of me.

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