Chapter 13: Project Save

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Mars, Ashny, Anthon, Sophia, Rafael

Chris: Good evening. Here we come again in the starting point of having the most crucial, deadly and gruesome challenge! The Top 5! Will Mars still do not care of what is the challenge? Will Ashny stay here for much longer? Will Anthon's evil plans work? Will Sophia be discovered having the secret votes? Will Rafael maintain being a good player? Find out on Total Drama School!

*7:00 pm*
*Boys Dorm*
Rafael: *browsing the internet*

Mars: *having a sound trip*

Anthon: *thinking*

*Girls Dorm*
Ashny: *staring outside the window*

Sophia: *writing something*

Ashny: *looks over at Sophia's paper*

Sophia: No looking!

Ashny: The annoyed Sophia still remained... You know... Annoyed...

Chris: It is so boring for all of you, right? Even you readers?

All: Yeah...

Chris: Well, here is my challenge-
*screen turns white*

Ashny: What happen to him?!

*screen returns*
Unknown Person: I have kidnapped all of the losers, if you do not get them till 12 midnight, I am coming for the five of you, but you need to split up, if one goes with the other, both of them will be dead, and I am here around the school, good luck for the losers' last 5 hours!
*screen turned white again*

Mars: Meh... It is a tricky challenge...

Rafael: Ahhhh! Oh my God! Oh no! We are going to die! I am too young to die!

Sophia: It is just Chris's little challenge! Do not be too crazy!

Ashny: But what if, what if this is true?!

Anthon: *sarcastic with baby talk* Oh no... It is too scary... I'm so coward... *normal voice* Of course we can escape this, he is just one and we are five. And Chris trained us to be used in deadly situations!

Sophia: I am just going to find them...

Anthon: Yeah...

Mars: Me too...

Ashny: That's good...

Rafael: *shivers* Ahhhhh! *bumped to the wall*

Sophia: Hmm...

*"Help!" is echoing*

Sophia: That is Shane and Rodolfo's voices! I am coming! *found Rodolfo under the stage tied up and Shane behind the curtain tied up* What happened?

Shane: I do not know! We are just kidnapped from the island!

Sophia: Later, we will talk about that! Let us go find the others!

*unknown room*
Chris: Then Sophia has two points...

*swimming pool*
Jerizel: Help! I am in a raft in the middle of the pool!

Ashny: *enters* Swim to me!

Jerizel: I do not want to die! Look, jellyfishes!

Ashny: Oh, that... Just wait! *finds a rope* Here, grab this! *pulls the raft*

Jerizel: Thanks!

*school ground*
Mars: Chelsea! Iya! I hear you but I cannot find you!

Chelsea: We are here!

Mars: How can I get up there at the pool to untie you?!

Iya: Just climb!

Mars: *climbs and unties the girls*

Iya: Yeah!

*someone banging at the door*
Anthon: Who is that? *opens door* Oh, Zai and Nicole!

Zai: Thank you!

*locker room*
Alyzza: I must open this- locker! YEY!

Rafael: Ahhhh! *runs and exits*

Alyzza: Can somebody save me?!

Sophia: I can!

*unknown room*
Chris: Sophia, 3 points. Ashny, 1 point. Mars, 2 points. Anthon, 2 points. Rafael, huh... 0 point...

*back to school*

Lance: Shane! Are you okay?!

Ashny: Oh, there you are! Come, and we will find her!

Lance: Yeah!

Anthon: *whispers* She is a person not to be trusted, Lance. Join me an we will definitely find Shane...

Lance: *tiptoes* Okay...

Mars: What?! Oh, Anthon, you are going bad, huh? Okay, we will bad to you...

*Mars goes to Ashny*

Mars: Anthon has been getting your members!

Ashny: Mars, this is not a challenge, this is for our lives!

Mars: Okay, if you say so!

*top floor*
Sophia: *from stairs, exhausted* Huh! Where are those?! Oh, there they are!

Klariza: *struggles* Oh, thank you!

Michael: Thank you!

Kidnapper: Students and losers, go to the school ground and there will you meet Chris going to be dead! *evil laugh*

*school ground*
Chris: Hi!

Rafael: What? Why? How?

Ashny: Where is the kidnapper?

Sophia and Mars: I knew it was a challenge!
                             :Stop! Hmmp!

Chris: It was all a challenge! And Sophia won the apple with five points! Anthon, 3. Mars, 2. Ashny, 1. And Rafael, a perfect zero.

Sophia: Yes!

Chris: Detention time!

Chris: While Chef is throwing the losers to the La Isla Losers by the Shot O' Shame,

Jerizel: This is the third time I will be shot!

Chris: We will proceed to the apple-giving ceremony... Apple number 2 goes to...


Chris: Apple number 3 goes to Ashny

Ashny: Thank you...

Chris: And down to last two students that are Anthon who was spied doing evil plans to anybody and Rafael who just panicked around.

Ashny: Is that a real sabotage?! Anthon!!!!

Chris: The loser is...




*Shot O' Shame*
Rafael: *sadly* What's gotten into me in that challenge?

Chris: Defeat and the spirit of a chicken! Goodbye!

Rafael: Noooooo!

Chris: This is so exciting! The Top 4! Here we have, Ashny! Anthon! Sophia! And Mars! Who will bring the THREE million dollars? Who will be appearing NEXT SEASON? Who among the loser will remain a loser? Will I still be the next season's host?

All: No!!!!

Chris: Find out on Total! Drama! School!

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