Chapter 13: Special Chapter

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Mars, Ashny, Anthon, Sophia, Rafael, Alyzza

Chris: Welcome, Total Drama Readers! Do you ever wonder where are we shooting those losers. Well, we gave a day off to our contestants *showing the contestants followed by 10-12 snakes* and we will go to...





*La Isla Loser*
Shane: Ugh! I must be in that place Anthon now! Pesky immunity med- Ooooh! Mango shake! This is life! But I am a loser... But this is life!

Klariza: Yummy!

Michael: I know right!

Jerizel: I did realize, it was fun to be voted off! With pool, indoor games, outdoor games, real food and drinks, fluffy beds, easy life, and-

Nicole: Just cut to the chase... It is good!

Rodolfo: I thought you disappear!

Nicole: For the 20th time, Rodolfo, I came here secretly!

Rodolfo: Okay! Wait, why Nicole is here?

Nicole: Ugh!

Lance: *takes pictures on Shane* Crush book, here I come! Shane, you will be with me and my handsome face, forever!

Iya: Shane, Lance is stalking you... I think he has a crush on you...

Shane: So...

And the one who will get the last apple is...




Jerizel. Lance, proceed to Shot O' Shame.

*Shot O' Shame*
Chris: Say anything...

Lance: I have a crush on Sh- Ahhhhhhh!
*end of flashback*
Shane: So it is me. He is referring to me. But, no way, firstly, he is boastful, second, I do not like him, third, I do not even talked to him!

Lance: Uh... Ah...

Chelsea: Heartbreak! *laughs with Iya hysterically*

Chris: Good day, losers! Does everybody having a good time?

All: Yes! Totally!

Chris: Sorry for the interruption but all of you will...

Shane: Come back to the show?

Klariza: Have the three million dollars?

Rodolfo: Be kidnapped and use to be as a challenge for the remaining contestants?

Michael: What? Is that even related?

Chris: You are the ones who will vote who will go here with you as a loser! Chelsea and Iya, you are the first two to vote.

Chelsea: I like Alyzza!


Iya: Definitely, Alyzza! We want her to be with us!


Jerizel: We all here like her! She is friendly! So do not vote for Alyzza!


All: Huh!

Lance: Chris, we do not vote for her! We just used the name Alyzza to refer her!


Klariza: Do not say Alyzza anymore!

Michael: If we say Alyzza, she will lose!

Shane: That is her point, so do not say Alyzza!

*ring, ring, ring*

Rodolfo: Who is Alyzza again?


Nicole: Alyzza is the girl with-


Chris: Well, you have voted, Alyzza. *calls Chef* Chef, Shot O' Shame is for Alyzza!

*back to campus*
*Shot O' Shame*
Alyzza: Wait! Why! Noooooo!

*back to La Isla Losers*
Chris: And that's for today, folks!

Alyzza: Ahhhh! *shoots to pool*

Chris: What surprises will I hold? Will the losers show again in this story? Will I become rich because SEASON 2 IS SURE?! Find out on Total! Drama! School! *rides on speedboat to school*

*night at La Isla Losers*
Shane: Let us party!

Klariza: Yeah!

Alyzza: Guys...

All: Ahhh!

Rodolfo: I told you! We will be-

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