Chapter 11: Time to Stand!

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Mars, Shane, Ashny, Anthon, Sophia, Rafael, Alyzza, Rodolfo

Chris: Good day, Total Drama readers!  I am excited for today for my challenge! It will be HARD TO STAY ON *laughs evily* Well, last time was full of surprises. The players will bow play individually with Alyzza, Rodolfo and Jerizel. At the end, a come-back which is Jerizel, has been shot AGAIN off the school. Is somebody AFRAID OF HEIGHTS for my challenge? Will come-backs lose AGAIN? Find out on Total! Drama! School!

*Boys Dorm*
Mars: *picks his phone and calls Shane* Hello?

*on phone* Shane: Oh, hi Mars!

Mars: I am just going to tell you that the alliance between us is over, it is just because we are only two, are you okay about that?

*on phone* Shane: Yes

Shane: Of course not! If there is no alliance, I will have no people to depend on. Okay, Shane. You can win this! By yourself...

Mars: Thank you for the understanding!

Mars: Well, my plan worked. To end the Mars Alliance and make it to Boys Alliance. But I am not very planned on when the time we have got in an alliance. Maybe they will eliminate me or even sabotage me.

Anthon: Alliance? I am not going to join those pesky alliances! I have strength and power! And also... Ability of sabotaging...

*A/N- All members are thinking of sabotage :) *

*Girls Dorm*
Shane: Sophia, will you be in an alliance with me?

Sophia: No

Shane: But-

Sophia: I said no! I can make an alliance myself!

Ashny: *heard their conversation*

Shane: We'll see about that!

Sophia: Yes, it would be good in an alliance. But it was my technique. So now I know that Shane will have an alliance anytime.

Ashny: Since that Mars-Sophia falling thingy, Sophia became like... Annoyed. Hmm...

Chris: *whisper* Drama is really happening *shouts* Go proceed to pool AGAIN, students...

Rafael: Hmm, water is related, huh?

Chris: Not only that, but also air! *press button* There are 5 by 5 squares which are for each of you to stand. Those eight squares will test your balance. When my timer hits five minutes or if one of you falls, the squares will raise 1 foot in the air. The starting point is that the squares are still touching the surface of the water in the pool. Chef and I will have twists for you in the challenge. Students, proceed!

*students stand in platform*

*three minutes*
Anthon: This seems easy!

Chris: So let us make it harder a bit... Chef will throw the leftover apples in the food fight challenge!

Rodolfo: *hits in the face*  Why am I in the water? Oh, man!

Chris: Platforms in 1 feet mid-air!

Alyzza: Chris, your platforms are shaking when it is rising!

Chris: Okay, let us try!

Alyzza: Woah! *shakes platform* Oh! *holds on Sophia's platform

Chris: Level 2, shoot it, Chef!

Chef: *shoots water to Alyzza while hanging*

Alyzza: Ahhh!

Sophia: Woah, woah, it is so slippery! Ahhh!

Chris: Then we are in 10 minutes in 4-feet up!!!

*13 minutes*
*Mars, Shane, Ashny, Anthon and Rafael are wet, very wet*

Chris: For level 3, your platforms will shake in just 1 minute!

All: 1 MINUTE?!

*all falls and holds on platform*
Shane: I can't - hold - this thing - anymore!

Chris: Raise up to 6 feet! Let us open roof, you know, if your platform goes higher than it!!! Level 4!!! Let us open our air vent!!!

*air releases with much pressure*
Anthon: *blown by wind to Shane's platform and he found an apple* Yes!

Rafael: Ahhh!

Chris: 7 feet!!!

Anthon: *throws apple at Mars* Goodbye!!!

Mars: Ahhh! *still holds apple and throws directly to Anthon* You too!

Anthon: !!!

Chris: Let the platforms go down! Ashny win an immunity apple!

Ashny: Thanks!

Chris: The next apples go to...






And then there were two which are Anthon, who have thrown an epic fail plan and Rodolfo, who is always staying mind being last place... The last apple goes to...




Mars: *mouth opened*

Anthon: *glared at Mars badly*

*Shot O' Shame*
Rodolfo: Why am I here again? *threw off school*

Chris: Ugh! Nine down, six to go, one for the THREE million dollars! Who will win? Who will survive? Who will die? Oops! Find out Total Drama School!

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