Chapter 6: We're Waiting Every Night...

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Broken Pencils:
Michael, Ashny, Mars, Shane, Klariza, Anthon

Crumpled Papers:
Sophia and Rafael

Chris: Welcome back to Total Drama School!!! Last time, we had a yummy food chow down. Crumpled Papers had lose again by a puke. They also took out of the contest, Jerizel and Zai... Will Sophia and Rafael have victory? What is the scene cut last time? Will Shane rage quit because of Ashny and Anthon? Find out here! On Total! Drama! School!

Chris: Ashny and Anthon, leave your team right now and transfer to Crumpled Papers...

Ashny: Why am I still with that boy?!!!

*all students at detention*
*Mars holds a tablet*

Mars: This is the popular game, Five Nights at Freddy's. Oh no! Foxy is over there
*Foxy jumps and scares them*

Rafael: *shivering* We've been playing this all night...
*main door closes*

Michael: What was that?
*everybody goes down*

Klariza: Why does Chris and Chef leave?

Sophia: Chris, you forget your newspaper *looks at it and reads it* Animatronics of Freddy Fazbear Pizza, escaped. Characters roam at a certain school?!

Rafael: I hope- they- are not- here...

*unknown room*
Chris: *watches the students at camera* This is the challenge where they will be fake killed by FNAF Characters. There will be hidden cameras inside the school. If they will be caught, they will be brought here. Last standing team wins.

*back to students*
Klariza: I think Chris were just scaring us. Come on team, let's roam. To see if they are really here.

*Broken Pencils Dorm*
*all of them at their own beds*
*brownout occurs*
Shane: Ahhh!!! You know I am afraid of the darkness!!!!!!

Mars: Calm down...

*scratches at door*
Michael: Okay, that creeps me out...
*all goes back and leans at wall*

Mars: *opens door* It is just Ashny or Anthon, getting their luggages *looks outside* Ahhh! Bonnie's outside!!!

Shane: Mars, why didn't you close the door?!
*Bonnie enters room*

Michael: Run for your lives!!!
*Shane tripped by Michael*

Bonnie: *scares Shane and lifted Shane*

*unknown room*
Shane: Chris, I hate you! It is just all a challenge?!

*Crumpled Papers*
Anthon: I will stand as a leader for today, since this is a real event, rule number one, stick together, rule number two, do not go on dark places-

Ashny: Common sense!!! All places here are dark since it is a brownout.

Anthon: Grrrr! Rule number three, do not ever ever leave a member behind. I am just going to get a sandwich at the canteen...

Rafael: He broke all rules, right? #1, sticking together, he do not stay with us...

Sophia: #2, do not go on dark places and #3, do not leave us...

Ashny: He's dead

*screams by Chica and Anthon*
*chainsaw starts up*
Ashny: What was that?

Sophia: Ahhh! *pulls by Freddy back*

Rafael: Sophia!!!

Ashny: Even I am just new, we will win this! I am just angry to Anthon because he is just so annoying. He is... he is... like... he is going to crush all of us...

Rafael: Why?

Ashny: Firstly, he is evil to me. And he is like having a plan to destroy us one by one!

*screams by Chica and Mars*
Rafael: Okay, let us stop talking... Let us hide...

*screams by Ashny and Bonnie*
Rafael: Oh no... Ahhhh!

Chris: Broken Pencils win!!!

Chris: Today is a single elimination... The ones who gets his/her apple is...






Anthon, please say goodbye, fastly...

Chris: And that' for today, folks! Tomorrow-

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