Chapter 2

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Bill Cipher and Dumbledore were out of the orphanage. 

"Take my hand," Dumbledore said. Bill suddenly felt a panicky-feeling. He didn't know anything about this man. "I assure you," Dumbledore laughed, "I am not someone to fear." Bill didn't say anything, but he hesitantly took Dumbledore's hand. 

The weirdest feeling occurred as soon as he took his hand. It felt like he was being squeezed into a tube. As soon as it stopped, Bill's knees grew weak and his hands were shaking. 

"What -what was that?" He asked.

"Apparition," Dumbledore said. "You did better than some of the others. A couple of them puked." 

"It would have been great to have a heads-up," Bill said bitterly.

"Well, we're running a little low on time, Mr. Cipher." 

"Yeah, I guess I understand," Bill lost the sassy tone in his voice. 

"Now, where to first? I say Ollivander's." 

"What's that?"

"It's where you'll get your wand." 

"Okay." The pair walked into the wand shop, and a man greeted them. 

"Here try this one!" He shoved a box into Bill's hand. Bill awkwardly waved it, and another window was broken. The man muttered a spell and the window was fixed before he gave Bill another box. "Twelve inches, Ash wood, Dragon heartstring with a couple strands of spider web." Bill gave it a whirl (more confidently this time) and a rush of warmth flew up his arm, and a shower of gold sparks rushed out the tip of the wand. 

"Seven galleons, please," Ollivander chirped, and then realization hit Dumbledore and Bill. They forgot to stop at Gringotts. Bill looked at Dumbledore and Dumbledore took out a pouch. He gave the money to Ollivander and they left to Gringotts. 

"Thank you so much!" Bill said happily, "I promise I'll pay you back once we access my parents's vault!"

"Oh, it's fine," Dumbledore said, smiling. 

"Oh, okay then!" They walked into Gringotts, and accessed Bill's vault. "Wow!" His eyes widened in amazement, "That is a LOT of coins." A mountain of galleons, sickles, and knuts stood in front of them.  Bill took out a pouch and put a few hand full of galleons in it, a handful of sickles, and ten knuts as Dumbledore explained wizarding money to him. Bill took his key and put it in the pouch too. 


"Now where should we go?" Bill asked Dumbledore as they stepped out of the wizarding bank. 

"I'd suggest Madam Malkins, then Flourish and Blotts, and then if you want an owl we could go into one of the pet stores." 

"Okay! Lead the way Professor Dumbledore!" Bill said, and they went into the various stores before they got to the magical menagerie. 

"I think I'm going to get an owl," Bill said to the store owner. 

"They'll be in the back," she said. Bill strolled to the back, and noticed the different types before deciding on getting an Australian Masked Owl. "I'm going to name you Oak," he said to it. The owl hooted, and he brought it, as well as the supplies, to the counter. 

"That'll be ten galleons and one knut," the girl working the cash register said. Bill handed the money to her and left with Oak and Dumbledore. 


They arrived back in the orphanage, and (luckily) Erick wasn't there. "Thank you, and see you at Hogwarts!" Bill cheerfully waved at Dumbledore, and with a crack Dumbledore was gone. 

"Now, how will the other kids react when they see you, Oak?" Bill asked his owl, and the bird gave him a look that said do you really think that I'll know that? "Yeah, you're right." Bill sighed and hoped that they wouldn't freak out. 

Thirty minutes later, Erick walked back into the room to see Bill, a trunk, and an owl. "Hi," he said quietly.

"Hi," Bill responded. "Three days until I have to go." 

"Go where?"

"A special boarding school," Bill repeated what Professor Dumbledore told him to tell the other children.

"They let you have an owl?"

"Yep. Apparently everyone has them. They use them to communicate. Weird, huh?"



Three days later, Bill was off to the train station. He paced in between platforms nine and ten, until he saw some children go into platform nine's wall. "That must be where it is." He ran at platform nine, embracing himself for the impact, but went through. A bustling crowd greeted him with shoves and parents looking somber and sad, and children having a mixture of glee and fear. 

Bill walked onto the train, and set his trunk and owl onto the rack. Some students walked into the bright-blonde boy's compartment, but very few stayed. Soon, one with messy jet black hair came in.

"Hi! Do you mind if I stay in here? Everywhere else is full," the boy said energetically.

"Yeah, you can stay here." 

"Cool, I'm James. James Potter."

"Bill Cipher's the name." 


"Awesome." A couple more minutes passed until three other boys joined them. Remus Lupin was the name of the boy with dirty blonde hair. Sirius Black is what the boy with curly black hair was called and Peter Pettigrew was the chubby one. 

"Um, so, how were your summers?" Bill asked. 

"Good," Remus replied.

"Okay," Sirius said.

"Fine," said Peter.


"Awesome." Bill took out one of the books and started to study while the other boys chatted among each other. Automatically, Bill felt out of place, and self-consciously covered his blind eye with his hand. He didn't realize the four boys staring at him until he looked up.

"Why are you covering your eye?" James asked.

"We just noticed that you've been doing that the entire time," Sirius said bluntly.

"Oh, it's just a habit," Bill said.

"Why?" Remus inquired.

"It's because I'm blind in this eye." He removed his hand to reveal the pale grey-blue eye. The boys stared at it, nodding. 

"Hey mate, I think I got just the thing for you. It'll make you look cool too," James said, before taking out a random eyepatch out of his trunk.

"Why do you...?" 

"Halloween," James said and grinned. Bill put it on. Then Bill took it off.

"I don't think I'm confident enough to pull that off," he said and awkwardly laughed.

"Well, if you want it, just come to me!" The train stopped and the boys looked at each other.

"Hogwarts, here we come," Sirius grinned. 

The Eye in Us All (A Harry Potter Marauders Era crossover with Gravity Falls)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن