"Alright, Do you know of anyone that would want to do this?"

"Besides of my mom and stepdad?..."

Should I tell them about the dream? I thought

"There might be somebody named Henry Cunningham"

Det. Sellers wrote that in his notepad

"How do you know him?"

"School, we were both in 7th grade. After we passed the 7th grade I went to a different school, so that's the last time that I saw him" I explained while I answered the next question, that 'When's the last time you saw him?' question

Abby started waking up when a doctor came in

"Thank you Ms. Summers for giving us the information..."

"Last night there was a hit and run involving 5 children and a woman in her mid 50s early 60s. Other drivers stopped to help them out..." me and the detective looked at the T.V and we saw Gloria's car smashed to pieces

How in the world did all of them survive? I thought looking at the image

"Witnesses are saying that this was intentinal. Cameras caught his personalized lisence plate from the Black extended SUV..."

they showed the personal lisence plate, NRD4LFE

Classic I thought sarcastically

"If you have any information about this please call the TIPS hotline"

I looked back at Sellers and he was writing the information down

"Like I was saying thank you for giving us all the information you know, we'll be in touch"

"Thank you"

Him and the officers left. The doctor finished checking Abby out and gave Zak the release papers

"Excuse me, but do you have any information on the patient Gloria Billington? She came in with 5 kids lastnight"

"She has stabilized and she should be moving out of the ICU into a normal room somtime today"

"Ok, thank you"

the doctor nodded and left to do the rest of his rounds before the afternoon shift change.

"Daddy, I'm hungry"

"What do you want sweetie?"

"Ice cream"

"Ab-" I started

"Sweetie it's not good to have that sugary stuff first thing in the morning, maybe later, what else do you want?"

"Sausage biscuits"


Abby got out of the bed and went to the bathroom

"Do you want me to take her for the day? Don't take offense to this but you look like hell"

I sat down on his lap and leaned my head on his shoulder

"If you do take her, what am I suppose to do?"

"I don't know... Take a nice hot bubble bath, sleep, relax, take my card if you want to go to the spa" he said holding his credit card infront of my face

"Zak I'm not taking your credit card to spend your money on something-"

"That'll make you relax and feel a little bit better"


"And you can't really so no to the spa because I've already set up an appointment for you today at 1:30 at Tina's Magical Touch"

"Zak, why?" I said sighing

"Because I love you" he said kissing my cheek


We looked at where that came from and Abby was standing by the bathroom door looking at us.

"Wanna hang out with daddy today?" Zak asked

Abby's face lit up

"Yeah" she said excitedly

"Ok, tell momma bye so we can get going"

I got off of Zak and Abby came to me. I picked her up and gave her a kiss then put her back down

"You be careful and be good"

"I will" she said then headed to the door

I then felt a pair of hands on my waist

"She'll be fine Kayla, we'll see you later" he said kissing my cheek and patting the left side of my waist gently

They left and I looked down at my watch '12:15pm'

"That gives me time to clean up" I said to myself

I went home and got changed into some gray knee high shorts and a white t-shirt. I sat on the couch and flipped through the channels

Why is there nothing good on when I want to watch T.V? I thought finally stopping on a music video channel.

I watched music videos for 10 minutes before I finally shut it off and got up

I should eat something real quick I thought

I went into the kitchen to get a chocolate chip granola bar and when I finished I went and brushed my teeth. I looked at my clock that was on the wall, it was two dolphins jumping out of the water on oppisite sides and the clock part was inbetween the dolphins and above the water and it read '1:10'

I better get going who knows how long it'll take me to get there I thought

I grabbed my car keys and slipped on my black flip-flops and headed out the door to go to Tina's Gentle Touch.

A/N: I know this chapter was boring but I have some things on my mind right now. Lastnight I found out that my grandpa went to the hospital because he fell and couldn't get up. He also was dehydrated and due to being dehydrated there's something wrong with his kidneys, and there's some pressure on his heart. And I also found out that he has dementia :(

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