Chapter 10

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Chapter Ten

“Sit down, Little J,” Emilia cried exasperatedly as she hurried into her bedchamber the next day.

Little J has spent all morning, and practically all afternoon in bed. She’d missed her class that day because her mother wasn’t allowing her to move from her bed. She only had the slightest headache and the bandage for her head wasn’t necessary anymore but Emilia still insisted she wore it.

Her mother’s face was as white as a ghost when she was brought back to the house the previous night. She had been so worried about her and to learn that she had been attacked only made her more terrified. Little J honestly did not know how she was going to get out of the house for her classes anymore. Her mother’s overprotectiveness had stemmed from Kitty to her as well.

“Mama,” Little J sighed exasperatedly. “I am fine.”

Emilia shot Little J a warning look as she motioned for her to get back into bed. “I cannot believe that papa organised a dinner for tonight when you’re ill.”

Little J climbed back into bed while her mother tucked her in, just as she had when she was young. “I’m not ill, mama, I’ve just a little headache. Sitting at a dinner table will not be strenuous.” She needed to be at the dinner table to make sure nothing was said that could lead either Harrison, or her family, to discovering her secret.

Emilia sighed, cupping Little J’s face comfortingly. “Do not ever do that to me again, my darling. A mother can only take so much. First Kitty and now you. For once I would just like a year to go smoothly. The past few years have really tested us. You’ve always been the good one, you know. I’ve never had to worry about you, too much anyway.”

Little J smirked. “I suppose Kitty occupies most of your time.”

“She has, I suppose,” Emilia admitted sadly. “I’m sorry,” she apologised. “You’ve always been so self-sufficient. While I was chasing down Kitty and James, you were quiet in the corner with a book. But last night put everything in perspective for me. I’ve been terrified enough for a lifetime.”

“Mama,” Little J said warily. She prayed her mother didn’t say the dreaded ‘c’ word.

“Chaperone, Little J. I mean it this time. You cannot be wandering around on your own anymore. You’re too vulnerable,” Emilia said firmly.

“Mama!” Little J exclaimed. “It was only once, and I am fine!” she protested. If she was assigned a chaperone then her schooling was over. There was no way her secret would remain a secret and she would be expelled, and if not arrested, before she could say ‘but’.

“No arguments,” Emilia shook her head, moving away from the bed. “I mean it this time. I want a chaperone with you for protection.”

At that moment Little J’s bedroom door opened and James strolled in with a concerned smile on his face. “Are you alright?” he asked. “Henry just told me what happened.”

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