Chapter 5

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Chapter Five

December was always a busy month for the Alcott family. They had to prepare for weeks for their trip to Yorkshire. It became an even busier month for Little J since she had started attending Oxford. She had to complete all the assignments she would miss out of receiving in her absence which meant she had to teach herself the topics. She didn’t find that difficult, she had an excellent ability to comprehend and retain information.

On the morning before they departed for Yorkshire, Little J stole away from her house for Oxford. She was to miss a week of classes before Oxford released their students for the Christmas holiday.

The air was damp as she walked into Oxford. The early morning was frosty and rain and snow seemed to alternate. She really couldn’t wait to return home and sit before the fireplace.

Classes were yet to begin, but teachers often came earlier to prepare lessons and set up any instruments that needed assembly.

Once she’d collected the work from her other classes, she finished her tour in the anatomy wing. Sure enough, Harrison was at the blackboard drawing a diagram of a heart. He looked deep in thought as he drew, his brow creased and his chocolate eyes focussed on his task. She knocked on the door timidly and Harrison’s head immediately turned to her.

“Mr Alcott,” he said in a surprised voice. “You’re quite early.”

“Yes,” she answered in her masculine voice. “I’ve come to collect any assignments that we’ll receive over the Christmas holiday as I will be away with my family from this afternoon onwards.” She walked into the classroom and paused at his lectern which was littered with his notes.

“Oh, of course,” he nodded, coming over to the lectern. He found a particular piece of parchment and recited what he’d written. “I’d like a fifteen inch written piece on the heart and its functions.”

Little J made a mental note to remember that. “Thank you,” she smiled. As she was about to leave, Harrison stopped her.

“I know this is really unprofessional of me, but I just wanted enquire after your sister,” he said awkwardly, pursing his lips. He abandoned his notes to fold his arms across his chest. “You bear a remarkable resemblance to her.”

Little J felt her heart beat immediately quicken but she decided to play ignorant. “My sister?”

“Yes,” he nodded. “Lady Little J. I happened to bump into her last week after our lesson and she told me she was your sister. It started to rain – I hope she has not taken ill.”

Little J did not develop an illness luckily. “No, she is in perfectly good health. I will tell her you were asking after her.”

“No!” Harrison exclaimed quickly before composing himself. “No, don’t do that. She needn’t know I was asking about her. Let us just keep this between us, yes?”

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