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    Once there was a man who achieved the American Dream, and could bring no grievance against life. A beautiful baby girl, a steady income and a wife who's beauty was beyond words, to say enamoring would to be a tragic understatement.
   They lived a quiet life, in a quiet suburb, with quiet neighbors. They had no trials in life with which to wrestle. No gauntlet to run or sociological issue to fight for. They were content, but as for all stories throughout human history this wasn't lasting, because one day while riding to the day care with her mother their child's life was stripped away. This left them with a but a hollow throbbing place in their hearts, tears were shed and animosity was formed amongst the two, which one day formed into a dark hatred, and drove the man to find solace within the bosom of another woman and in drink. His wife could find no solace in this world and so promptly exited it. The man's solace although soon turned to addiction and would be his undoing.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2015 ⏰

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