[45] unreal • pt. 3

Start from the beginning

Aphmau <3 : Garroth, please.

Aphmau <3 : Please.

My heart aches at each word I read.

I knew my father and brother got caught, Dante had texted me earlier telling me.

Well look here, get rid of a problem, got a new problem.

Absolutely fantastic, am I right?

I lock my phone and look at my reflection in the black screen, any signs of sparkle or happiness gone from my blue eyes.

Replaced by sadness, loneliness, regret, anger, and idiocy.

That's all my life ever was, wasn't it?

Another notification shows up on my phone, lighting up my phone screen.

Aphmau <3 : I'm coming to look for you.


She's coming to look for me?

After everything?


"Garroth?" I hear her voice call, and I turn around. I see her in the distance, pacing around on the pavement, calling out my name.

My heart ached yet again at the sight, and I looked away.

"Garroth?" She called again, and I yearned to go over to her, but I couldn't.

Just go over.


I can't.

I just can't.



"Look, she's over there."

"Zenix, are you sure this will work?"

"Of course Sasha! It's Garroth fault we lost our best member of this team, and we replaced him with that jealous one over there. She used Laurance."

"Hey! How did you know that?"

"I know a lot of things you don't, darling."

"Shut up."

I turn behind in my seat to face the short-haired girl, and my eyes went red. Her eyes flashed with fear and she immediately shut up, instead of me.

"Zenix, he's not budging."

"Gene, shut up. It takes time."

"So you used Laurance why exactly?"

"Nicole, I used him because I want Garroth."


"Zenix, why does Gene get to drive?"

"Because I can't, and among all of you he drives the fastest."

"What? Why?"

"Sasha, he speeds to school every morning.

"Good point."

"Gene, start the car. He's moving."



I'm going over.

I can't do it.

I'm going.


I can do this.


I get up from the bench, slowly walking towards her. I watch as she moves to cross the road, and she spots me.

"Garroth!" She squeals, crossing the road without looking.

I smile, but suddenly hear the sounds of a speeding car. I look to Aphmau's left, and there's a speeding black car. I look closer.

It's heading straight for Aphmau.

She doesn't realise.




It's so close.


I dash over and push her out of the way right before the metal vehicle collides with her, and it collides with my body instead.

I feel my body go numb, loud ringing sounds in my ear. My head is throbbing, the familiar feeling of my aching ribs returning. I can feel blood trickling out of several wounds.

I hear the car drive away.

I hear a scream, and I see a blur figure above me. My glasses had shattered, so I couldn't see the face very clearly. But I knew exactly who it was.

"G-G-Garroth, no. Please no. Let this all be a dream, and we wake up in bed, please Irene." Her painful tears falling onto my bruised and wrecked body, and I could feel my body slowly shut down.

"P-Please hang i-in there G-G-G-Garroth. Please." Aphmau cried, taking out her phone and speedtalking before hanging up.

"Why did you do that? Why? Why did you sacrifice yourself? F-For me?" She weeped, and my heart twisted in ways that are too painful to describe.

"If me dying means you living, how could that be anything but good?" I smile weakly, my voice barely a whisper.

"G-G-Garroth..." She manages to get out before choking on all her sadness, her tears stinging my wounds.

"I... I l-love you." I say meekly before I can't stay awake,

and the darkness washes over me.

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