'He's so nice and hot and charming' - Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

"Never!" Amy sounded shocked. "We used to be five and now we're four - you could never be replaced."

"Thanks." I laughed. "So what have you all been up to?"

"All sorts - Jenna got her tongue pierced."

"Really? Did it look cool or tacky?"

"Cool." She reassured me. "Oh and Bethany broke up with Alicia."

"Oh my gosh! Is she okay?"

"She's hanging in there but she can't even be in the same room as Beth anymore."

"What happened?"

"She just ended things randomly - apparently she's got a new girlfriend now though so Alicia's a bit suspicious."

"Understandably." I nodded.

"How about your new school - any new friends?"

"There's this great girl called Rachel who's my roommate and super nice."

"Hope she hasn't replaced me!" Amy joked.

"Never!" I echoed her earlier response. "Anyway, I've been dying to know if there're any new guys on the scene."

"Well," She said, "it's funny you should ask because just before I came to pick you up I was with my new boyfriend!" She yelled the last two words dramatically.

"Really?" I was pleased that Danny had been forgotten. "Oh my goodness, who is he?"

"His name's Zac and he's in the year above at Queensgate but he's so nice and hot and charming." She gazed longingly out of her bedroom window.

"Look at you, you smitten kitten." I teased.

"You need to meet him Jess - he's just so great."

"I look forward to it. How long have you been going out?"

"September - we met at a party and it was just love at first sight."

"Sounds it." I laughed at her overdramatic wording. "I can't believe you're going out with a Zac - that's every girls dream!"

"I know right!?" She squealed. "Honestly Jess, you have to meet him - he is literally the sweetest guy I've ever met and you should see his body."


"Eight." She was almost giddy now. "He's a swimmer."

"A swimmer, oh my days. Does he look anything like Ryan Lochte?" I imagined the Olympian arm in arm with Amy and I felt jealous just thinking about it.


"Amy, I'm so happy for you." I said honestly. "I really think it's great that you're so happy with Zac."

"Thanks. I guess after the whole Danny thing I really just needed to find someone new and Zac is just perfect." Great. I knew Danny would come up at some point.

"Well I'm glad you've gotten over him." I paused, unsure whether to tell her or my new classmate. "And speaking of, guess who goes to my new school?"


"Danny!" I have no idea whether I should have told her or not but she seemed happy with Zac and so why shouldn't I bring him up? She'd find out sooner or later.

"No way." Amy sounded rather subdued at the news - not quite the reaction I would've expected. "Anyway, enough about Danny. Any new boys on the scene?" Enough about Danny? We'd barely said two words about him - what was up with her?

"No." My answer was delayed. Damn it.

"Why the pause? Thinking about someone special?" Amy questioned.

"No, there's seriously no-one."

"Yes there is! I can tell. Talk!" She was bouncing-off-the-walls happy now; eager to find out as much as she could.

"Amy leave it - there's no one to talk about."

"I'm not taking no for an answer - if you had to pick a boy, if you had to." Wow, she really wasn't letting this go. I wondered if I could make something up. I suddenly noticed how hot I felt - I had to wipe sweat off my forehead.

"If I had to?" My hands felt clammy and my head was spinning.

"Yes if you absolutely had to." I couldn't focus, I felt as if I could pass out at any moment.

"Well I guess," here goes nothing, "there is this boy I sit next to in Maths."

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I think we all know who she sits next to in Maths!!! :O

So any guesses as to why she may have said that? And do you think she means it or is she just trying to get Amy of her case? What do you think of Amy by the way - better than Rachel?

On a more devastating note my computer's broken so I have to go and use the family one to upload and write - this shouldn't affect you really other than the fact that my family don't know I'm writing this so I'll only be able to upload around this time in the day and it does limit my hours for writing. That shouldn't affect you too much as I have written a lot of this in advance but if it does at any point then I just want to let you know why and the computer should be fixed my next week anyway.

Also remember to keep voting and commenting and I'm seriously so greatful for everyone who has so far. And I still really want to have a competition after 10,000 reads so please keep sending me your suggestions either as comments, messages or, as always, feel free to email me at LunaCrestaWriter@gmail.com for comments, complaints and questions.

Thanks again,


PS Amy at the side, enjoy :)

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