Chapter 1

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The complete collection of William Shakespeare.

Not exactly light reading, but it was for a English project.

I found myself in my familiar spot under the old oak tree in Hilsburg park, a place my dad always used to bring me.

We would spend countless hours lying flat on our backs as we pondered all the unique shapes we could make out off thee fluffy clouds that would coat the skies of Finchley Grove.

The thin and slightly dusted pages felt strange under my finger tips, the library book had clearly been untouched for a significant number of years.

But how else was I supposed to escape the chains of this town?

My academic achievements would be the only thing that would grant me access to a better life.

There was nothing wrong personally with Finchley Grove, it was just painfully slow. Nothing ever happened here.

Our crime rate was miraculously low, their was an AA meeting held every Thursday in the community centre that had approximately 3 members and an annual book club to which my mother attends.

You'd expect school to contain some high school drama, but none to report.

Oh except Tammy hooked up with Tyler.

I know, big story.

A chill raked up my spine and a gut feeling urged me to look up and my eyes trailed automatically to a single line of overgrown bushes.

I felt uneasy staring, like something was staring back, or someone.

Well done Violet, you're life is that uninteresting that you've been reduced to staring at bushes.

Practical...real practical.

I ripped my eyes away and continued with my reading.

My mind was distracted, even as I attempted to memorise each meaning in front of me, nothing would sink in.

Books were fascinating, dripping with endless mystery, I truly loved books.

However, today I didn't feel like much of a book worm.

I raised my eyes to the setting sun and calculated the short amount of time I would have left until darkness filled the town.

I sighed deeply and began gathering my things, opening the badge covered book bag that I had deemed my own.

I looked fondly at the badges, each individual one holding a memory I held dearly.

I smiled mildly and placed the all in the bag, standing up and wiping off any remained leaves that may have accumulated on me.

Once satisfied, I started the lonely trek down the empty streets.

I some how felt thankful that I had escaped the clutches of that place, it felt wrong.

I think my emotions are a lot more complex then they need to be right now.

I've got an exam next week and I'm plagued with thoughts about an empty park feeling wrong.

One point for paranoid Violet.

As my feet padded along the concrete surface, I continued to feel the presence of someone.

It had always been this way.

People would accuse me of being paranoid, and in some way they were probably right, but blind accusations can only stretch so far.

I was thankful when I rounded the corner and signalled I was on my street, my house located a brief few doors down.

I gratefully opened the heavily rusted gate with nimble fingers, my hands felt wilted by the fast approaching cold.

My house was already illuminated, the thin blinds barely concealing the shapes of my mother and brother wondering around.

I couldn't deny the small smile that creeped up on to my chilled lips at the thought of them.

That moment was ruined by the familiar sense that had haunted my mind.

My shoulders shivered in response and I quickly entered my house, hoping to leave the feelings behind.

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