Scene 3

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Sister Debbie: There you are. I was so worried.

Diana: I'm sorry. I took a while.

Sister Debbie: It's O.K., but Marie is crying.

Diana: She is?

Sister Debbie: It's because you're leaving. We found a nice young lady needing a companion, Miss Catherine.

Diana: (Pauses) I'm...I'm what!?

Sister Debbie: Yes, we've decided, you're leaving.

Diana: (Bursts into tears)

Sister Debbie: I understand. (Hugs her) Now dry your tears and go comfort Marie.

(Diana runs up stairs)

Marie: You leaving. (Pout)

Diana: I know, but I'll give you this. (Pulls out a locket).

Marie: Your locket!

Diana: Keep your treasures in it.

Marie: But you're my treasure!

Diana: keep pictures of me in it!

Marie: O.K.

Sister Debbie: (Standing in the doorway) Diana, time for bed. Tomorrow you're visiting Miss Catherine! Marie, you too!

Marie: (Jaw drops open) I'm visiting Mrs. Catherine?!

Sister Debbie: (laughs)No my dear but it is time for bed. And Miss Catherine is a Miss not a Mrs.

Marie: Awww.

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