It's a 'Tight' Friendship

Start from the beginning

Allison was deeply confused by Scott's mood swings, he was hardly laughing, he was on edge and whenever she touched him he seemed to shrivel away from her. As his friend she should definitely ask what his problem was, but she knew deep down that she probably wouldn't like the answer. After getting an hour or so into the movie she started to recognise a peculiar pattern. He would move when she did, he was constantly watching her, and when she touched him his hands would flick towards his zipper almost like he was protecting it. Or covering something up. He wasn't! Was he?!. She tried to think of a better excuse but nothing was coming to her brain. He'd never done anything like this before with her, had he? And if he was, he has some serious explaining to do. She decided it was smarter to be cruel and find out the hard way.

"This is so boring!" She moaned, shutting the laptop and putting it on her bedside table.

Scott raised his eyebrow cautiously, "then what should we do?"

"Save me" she giggled, holding out her arms like wings and falling backwards off the bed. Scott almost leapt forward and grabbed her, pulling her body on top of his in a desperate way to stop her from hurting herself.

Allison gasped, partly from the adrenaline of being caught and party from the stiffness pressing up against her through Scott's jeans.

"I-I'm so sorry! This was a terrible idea! I-I have to go" he pushed away from her and leapt off the bed.

"Scott! Wait!" She shouted but it was already way to late, Scott was out of his room and she hadn't even contemplated chasing after him when she heard the front door slam.

She had stepped over the line, she knew that, and she definitely knew that school was not going to be fun tomorrow...


"Whoa Scotty, not meaning to be blunt here but you look like shit" Stiles Stilinski chuckled as Scott leant against his locker after lacrosse practise.

"I look better than I feel" he grumbled, giving Stiles a tired look as he walked out of the lockerooms and into the hallway.

He hadn't slept, he hadn't eaten and he wasn't ready to see Allison in English right now. She sat right next to him and after what happened last night she was going to want to talk. Luckily she wasn't in the classroom yet so he had time to sit down, open his textbook and keep his head low.

Allison was running late, she had been up until three thirty thinking about what had gone on between her and Scott. As she rushed into the classroom and fell into her seat she felt the sudden vacuum of awkwardness between her and Scott. He was staring at his book, his knees bobbing up and down frantically, and his hands gripped around the sides of his desk firmly.

"Scott..." She whispered as the teacher started his speech on the last nights reading. She leant across the aisle slightly and tried to crane her neck to see his face, "Scott come on..."

"What Allison?!" He hissed suddenly, "I have to finish this"

Allison had never heard Scott use that tone with her before and she definitely wasn't mentally prepared for the conversation we had to have.

"Look, please can we talk"

"There's nothing to talk about!" He hissed again.

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