Your bestfriends and his girlfriend doesn't like you...(Part 1)

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Your bestfriends and his girlfriend doesn't like you... (Part 1)


"HEY LI!" you hugged Liam who is at your front door. He hugged you back, tightly. It was like he was cherishing every moment of that hug. When you broke the hug you saw that something was bothering your bestfriend.

"What's wrong?" he laughed knowing he can never keep anything from you.

"Nothing." he said as he hugged you again. "Right now ... everything's perfect." you hugged him back but was still bothered by the way he is talking. For the rest of the day you kept on talking about everything and anything. You noticed that every once in a while he would look at you sadly and smile.

"How's Dani?" you asked him. He flinched when you mentioned her name.

"She's ... fine." he said. You gave him a confusing look. Usually he babbles a lot when it comes to Dani. It hurts you a bit since you have a bit of crush on Liam. You brushed it off thinking it was just a little fight.



"Speaking of her ... (Y/N) ... I ... I am so sorry." he said and you can see his eyes beggining to get watery.

"Wha-What do you mean?"


"She ... she doesn't like ... she made me choose between you--"


"And?" you asked but you are quietly you regretting your actions.


"I choose her ... I am so sor--"


"Out. I want you out, NOW." you tried your best not to scream. He opened his mouth but no words came out. He finally stood up and walked out of your house. He looked back at you but you looked away.When you heard the door close you immediately cried. You can't believe what you just heard. You can't believe that Liam choose a girl over you knowing that if it was you ... you'd do the exact opposite.


"What do you mean ... you ...." You couldn't find the right words to say when your bestfriend who you haven't seen for 2 years appeared magically in your front door telling you that he has to stop seeing or even talking to you because his girlfriend told her so.

"I'm sorry (Y/N) its just that.... I really like her and ... I just want to keep you both in my life." he said trying to hold your hands but you took a step back. 

"I am so sorry." he said and you felt tears flow down your cheeks. "I just--"


"No Harry. The moment you said yes to her, you lost me." you said before slamming the door shut not letting Harry utter another word knowing you're gonna get hurt no matter what he say as an excuse.

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