Chapter 1

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Alesandese's P.O.V

I took a bite of my sandwich, chewing and savoring the flavor as I sat at the oakwood table of the dining room. It'd been a few days since my last meal, so I was starving. I tried my best to eat only when I absolutely needed to, knowing that it was crucial to preserve my food stock for as long as possible.

I knew pretty soon I'd have to pack up my few belongings and move to a different town again. The grocery store I'd been taking food from was running low on nonperishable items. I had been aware that I couldn't stay in this town forever. I sighed deeply, losing my appetite.

I didn't want to leave. This was the one place I could call home, the place that I loved so much. How could this have happened to me?

I lost everything the day the Superhumans took over and left destruction in their wake. They killed families everywhere they went and were unstoppable, because of their abilities. Those who were able to escape fled to "safe houses", hide outs the government had established, forgetting that they were the reason behind ruining so many people’s lives, including mine. I remembered how I'd scoffed when I'd first received word of it and how everyone was so grateful to them.

Why should I show any gratitude, when they were the ones to blame? I thought.

I had only been seven years old at the time that all of it started. It had been job shadow day at my school. My mother didn't work, so I had gone with my father to the lab. He was a scientist, employed by the US government.

They had been working on a project, hoping to create Superhumans. Basically, they were creatures that were faster, stronger, superior versions of ourselves. Their purpose was to serve as soldiers for the military, so that they wouldn't have to send men and women off to war. The United States would then become the leading military force in the world.

The day I went to work with my father, they successfully made the first Superhuman. Being the wise man that he was, my father suggested they see how this one functioned and obeyed orders, but, Dr. Matthews, the one who was in charge of the experiment, decided against it. He was the one who ordered them to make a mass production, creating hundreds of them, with not a clue as to what a horrible thing they’d begun.

The scientists continued to work in the control room, which, unfortunately, happened to be sound proof. If it hadn't been, maybe they would have heard the Superhumans planning a rebellion. Maybe then they would have stood a chance of survival, of getting away. But that wasn't the case; they never saw it coming. When the creatures started banging on the glass angrily, everyone panicked. All of them ran for the door, hoping to find a way to escape, as the Superhumans’ fists pounded harder, creating cracks in the window.

My dad feigned calm, showing no emotion, as he ushered me under one of the counters. He crouched down so that he was at eye level with me.

"Alesandese," he said in a serious tone, almost mournfully, his voice shaking more and more with each syllable. "You are to stay in this vent," he instructed, removing the metal screen, so that I could crawl in. "Do not come out until I tell you to."

"But, Dad--"

"Alesandese!" he growled, urgently, as the cracks grew even larger, shoving me roughly into the vent, replacing the cover. "Stay...please," he begged. "I love you."

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